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Teton River, MT

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Created: Feb 20, 2017 at 11:48 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 at 11:54 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Public
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This resource contains shapefiles and text/csv files for the Teton River basin, Montana, above USGS gage with STAID 06102500. The point shapefile represents the gage location, as identified in the USGS StreamStats online application, and the polygon shapefile is the basin boundary as delineated by StreamStats given the gage location as the outflow. The Teton_River_basin.csv contains descriptive information about the watershed, such as percent forest, min/max/mean elevation, precipitation, etc.

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How to Cite

Goeking, S. (2017). Teton River, MT, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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