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Using Beaver Works to Estimate Colony Activity in Boreal Landscapes

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Created: Jun 07, 2017 at 3:58 p.m.
Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 at 4:35 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Single File Content 
Sharing Status: Public
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Shapefiles show ponds and wetlands impounded by beaver dams within the boundaries of the Kabetogama Peninsula of Voyageurs National Park. Maps prepared using aerial imagery (1:15,840 - 1:24,000) taken on the following dates: 1940, 1948, 1961, 1972, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1997, 2003, 2005. Cover types classified according to National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) conventions. Consult NWI Wetland Code Interpreter for description of alphanumeric codes:
These data accompany a published journal article: Johnston, C.A. and S.K. Windels. (2015) Using Beaver Works to Estimate Colony Activity in Boreal Landscapes. The Journal of Wildlife Management 79(7):1072–1080; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.927

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Related Resources

The content of this resource is derived from Johnston, C.A. and S.K. Windels. (2015) Using Beaver Works to Estimate Colony Activity in Boreal Landscapes. The Journal of Wildlife Management 79(7):1072–1080; DOI: 10.1002/jwm

How to Cite

Johnston, C. A., S. K. Windels (2017). Using Beaver Works to Estimate Colony Activity in Boreal Landscapes, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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