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Created: | Sep 01, 2017 at 1:35 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jan 22, 2018 at 1:58 p.m. | |
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Field investigations were performed in the Tullstorps Brook catchment in Trelleborg, Sweden, during the years 2014-2015 as part of a research project. This data set includes breakthrough curves from Rhodamine WT (RWT) tracer tests, hydraulic conductivity from measurements using a piezometer and stream bottom and water surface elevation profiles from measurements using a leveling instrument. Details of methods and data analysis are found in Morén et al. (2017) and in the extended metadata.
Morén, I., Wörman, A., & Riml, J. (2017). Design of remediation actions for nutrient mitigation in the hyporheic zone. Water Resources Research, 53, 8872–8899.
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Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
Elevation Profiles in Tullstorps Brook 2015 | On the 28th of august 2015 the bottom elevation and stream depth was measured relative an arbitrary datum along 450 m of the Tullstorps Brook, Trelleborg, Sweden. Measurements were made using a leveling instrument from Sprinter with an accuracy of ± 2 mm. The water depth was measured at the same point as the bottom elevation using a rule. The longitudinal coordinate is the distance from the upstream starting point, following the trajectory of the stream. First column: Longitudinal distance (m). Second column: Stream bottom elevation from arbitrary datum (m). Third column: Water depth (m). |
Tracer Tests in Tullstorps Brook 2014 and 2015 | This data set contains the breakthrough curves from four different Rhodamine WT (RWT) tracer tests in four different reaches of Tullstorps Brook. The tracer tests were performed at 4 different occasions and all four injections were of slug type. Measurements were taken downstream using two Cyclopes 7 from Turner Design, placed upstream and downstream of the reach of interest. The equipment was calibrated, from voltage to concentration RWT, in the lab, using stream water from the site. From every tracer tests there are four columns of data. Column 1: Time since injection (s). Column 2: RWT concentration (ug/L) at upstream point. Column 3: RWT concentration (ug/L) at downstream point. |
Hydraulic Conductivity in Tullstorps Brook 2015 | This dataset contains hydraulic conductivity (K) of the streambed along 5700 m of the Tullstorps Brook. Measurements were perfomed using a piezometer every 100 m. The piezometer was pushed into the streambed and filled with water and the time it took for the water to infiltrate into the streambed was documented. The hydraulic conductivity was derived through linear regression of the equation: (h/H0 )=(FK/πr^2 )t, where h is the water level in the piezometer, H0 is the initial water level, F is a correction factor of the piezometer and r is the piezometer radius. At every cross section measurements were done at 4 points, 2 located at 3 cm depth (column 6) and 2 located at 7 cm depth (column 7). The reported data is the average of the 2 points at each depth. The measurements from two depth were then fit to the equation K = K0*exp(-ay) where K0 is the hydraulic conductivity at the surface (column 8) and a is the decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth (column 9). |
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