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Suspended sediment concentration database

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Created: Aug 06, 2019 at 1:04 a.m.
Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 at 12:25 p.m.
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These data were compiled to calibrate suspended sediment concentration (SSC) remote sensing algorithms. They were collected originally by several agencies at each of 430 suspended sediment sampling locations operated in the United States (USGS) [USGS, 2018], Canada (HYDAT) [HYDAT, 2018], South America (ANA) [ANA, 2018], and Taiwan (WRA) [WRA, 2018] between 1984–present. Landsat data are from Landsat missions 5 and 7. The Landsat LT1 Spectral Reflectance product data in this compilation were retrieved automatically using Google Earth Engine.


ANA (2018), Agência Nacional de Águas, edited, doi:July, 2017.
HYDAT (2018), The Water Survey of Canada, edited, doi:August, 2018.
USGS (2018), U.S. Geological Survey, edited, doi:August, 2018.
WRA (2018), Taiwan Water Resource Agency, edited, doi:August, 2018.

USGS Landsat LT1 Surface Reflectance, retrieved via Google Earth Engine

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The content of this resource is derived from WRA (2018), Taiwan Water Resource Agency, edited, doi:August, 2018.
The content of this resource is derived from ANA (2018), Agência Nacional de Águas, edited, doi:July, 2018.
The content of this resource is derived from USGS (2018), U.S. Geological Survey, edited, doi:August, 2018.
The content of this resource is derived from HYDAT (2018), The Water Survey of Canada, edited, doi:August, 2018.

How to Cite

Dethier, E. (2019). Suspended sediment concentration database, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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