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Type: | Resource | |
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Created: | Jun 18, 2019 at 7:53 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jun 20, 2019 at 6:06 p.m. | |
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The purpose of this resource is to provide a workflow of how to use the CUAHSI Domain Subsetter - NWM edition. The subsetter application ( introduces a collaborative effort for preparing, publishing, and sharing subsets of the National Water Model input data at watershed scales. Our hope is that these efforts will lower the barrier of entry for using and applying these models and engage a wide variety scientists from a diverse spectrum of expertise. With a combination of modern cyberinfrastructure techniques and state-of-the-science modeling tools, researchers will have access to subsets of National Water Model information that would otherwise require extensive computational resources. This work provides the foundation onto which similar efforts can be applied to other large-scale model simulations and input data.
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WRF-Hydro - NWM Notebooks
This directory contains notebooks that demonstrate the process of collecting domain and forcing data, and running a WRF-Hydro simulation. The following notebooks will walk you through this process:
- This notebook uses the CUAHSI Domain Subsetter to extract WRF-Hydro domain data from the national-scale hydro-fabric that is being used bu the operational National Water Model. Keep in mind that these domain data do not contain sensitive datasets or operational restart files, therefore they will not reproduce the operational predictions.
- This notebook demonstrates the process of collecting NLDAS forcing data, regridding these data to the WRF-Hydro domain collected in the previous notebooks, and saving the results to HydroShare.
- This notebook demonstrates how to executed the WRF-Hydro model using the DOMAIN and FORCING data collected in the two previous notebooks. We'll be using a containerization technology called Docker to simplify this process and eliminate the need for compiling any source code.
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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