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Hidden curriculum in the geosciences graduate course

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Created: Dec 28, 2020 at 6:08 p.m.
Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 at 7:21 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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The curriculum in graduate school is an iceberg. Much of graduate education is focused on tangible and formal skill development surrounding research and teaching. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. This course focuses on the informal “hidden curriculum” in graduate school that can complement formal student learning to help individuals lead successful research careers. Course material developed by Amanda Donaldson, Galen Gorski, Colleen Murphy, Jenny Pensky, Adam Price, Christina Richardson, Araceli Serrano, and Margaret Zimmer

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How to Cite

Zimmer, M., A. Donaldson, G. Gorski, C. Murphy, J. Pensky, A. Price, C. Richardson, A. Serrano (2021). Hidden curriculum in the geosciences graduate course, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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