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SSCZO -- Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Matric Potential, Sap Flow -- Critical Zone Tree 2 -- (2010-2012)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 2:22 a.m.
Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 at 7:59 p.m.
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**Some of these files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.**

Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.

NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.

Like the CZT-1 site, a number of sensors are arrayed around the Critical Zone Tree 2 to provide spatially and temporally resolved data on the water balance of a single tree. CZT-2 is a Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa). At this tree, 8 pits are arranged in the cardinal directions, up to 5 m from the tree. Soil temperature, moisture, and matric potential sensors are installed in each pit at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface.

Data control and storage on Campbell Scientific CR1000 dataloggers, using AM16/32B multiplexers.

Soil volumetric water content (VWC) temperature, and electrical conductivity measured using Decagon Devices 5-TE sensors at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface.

Soil matric potential (SWP) measured using Decagon Devices MPS-1 sensor and tensiometers.

Sap Flow measured by the Heat-Pulse Method sensors spaced radially around CZT-2, facing N, E, S and W.

Date Range Comments: hourly

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation), Critical Zone Tree 2


Start Date:
End Date:


SSCZO -- Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Matric Potential, Sap Flow -- Critical Zone Tree 2 -- (2010-2012)



Some of these files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.

Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes. You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) dataset links to immediately download a file of the data. NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.

Like the CZT-1 site, a number of sensors are arrayed around the Critical Zone Tree 2 to provide spatially and temporally resolved data on the water balance of a single tree. CZT-2 is a Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa). At this tree, 8 pits are arranged in the cardinal directions, up to 5 m from the tree. Soil temperature, moisture, and matric potential sensors are installed in each pit at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface.

Data control and storage on Campbell Scientific CR1000 dataloggers, using AM16/32B multiplexers. Soil volumetric water content (VWC) temperature, and electrical conductivity measured using Decagon Devices 5-TE sensors at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface. Soil matric potential (SWP) measured using Decagon Devices MPS-1 sensor and tensiometers. Sap Flow measured by the Heat-Pulse Method sensors spaced radially around CZT-2, facing N, E, S and W.


Peter Hartsough|Jan Hopmans




phartsough@ucdavis; Data Manager:


Sampled at 7 distinct sites across the CZO



Hydrology|Biology / Ecology


Soil Moisture|Soil Temperature|Electrical Conductivity|Matric Potential|Sap Flow


water balance|critical zone tree|CZT|ponderosa|pine|mid-elevation|Davis|hydrology|volumetric water content|VWC|EC|matric potential|sap flow|tensiometer|TDR


Temperature|Electrical Conductivity|Water Potential|Volumetric Water Content

Variables ODM2

Bulk electrical conductivity|Temperature|Volumetric water content|Water potential


Date Start


Date End


Date Range Comments



Field Areas

Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation)


Critical Zone Tree 2

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude


alt text


Publications using this data

Hartsough, P.C., Malazian, A., Kamai, T., Roudneva, E., Hopmans, J.W., (2009). Soil Moisture Tree Water Status Dynamics in a Mid-Latitude Montane Forest, Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, CA . Fall meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2009. 90(52) Abstract H33A-0844.

Hartsough, P.C., Malazian, A., Meadows, M.W., Roudneva, K., Storch, J., Bales, R.C., Hopmans, J.W. (2010). Soil Moisture/ Tree Water Status Dynamics in Mid-Latitude Montane Forest, Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, CA. Fall meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010. Abstract H11G-0894.

Hartsough, P.C. Roudneva, E., Malazian, A.I., Meadows, M.W., Kelly, A.E., Bales, R.C., Goulden, M., Hopmans, J.W. (2011). Comparison of sap flux data from two instrumented tree species in a forested catchment with different levels of water stress. Fall meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2011. Abstract GC31A-1023.

Hartsough, P.C., Roudneva, E., Malazian, A.I., Meadows, M.W., Bales, R.C., and Hopmans, J.W. (2012). Paired tree and soil instrumentation: what can we learn from two instrumented sites across various gradients in a forested catchment. Fall meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2012. Abstract H31G-1211.



Related datasets

SSCZO -- Matric Potential -- Critical Zone Tree 1 -- (2008-2013)

SSCZO -- Sap Flow -- Critical Zone Tree 1 -- (2008-2012)

SSCZO -- Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Electrical Conductivity -- Critical Zone Tree 1 -- (2008-2016)

Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Sierra
czo_id 2642
keywords water balance, critical zone tree, CZT, ponderosa, pine, mid-elevation, Davis, hydrology, volumetric water content, VWC, EC, matric potential, sap flow, tensiometer, TDR
subtitle Sampled at 7 distinct sites across the CZO
variables Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Water Potential, Volumetric Water Content
disciplines Hydrology, Biology / Ecology
related_datasets 2638, 2639, 2637
date_range_comments hourly

How to Cite

Hartsough, P., J. Hopmans (2019). SSCZO -- Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Matric Potential, Sap Flow -- Critical Zone Tree 2 -- (2010-2012), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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