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Model and Code Sharing via CUAHSI-hosted MATLAB Online

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Created: Aug 12, 2019 at 5:27 p.m.
Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 at 5:33 p.m.
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(Full talk - Part of session: Unveiling new innovations in advanced cyberinfrastructure to support a community hydrologic modeling ecosystem)

Are there analysis tools that can work with my data? Have other researchers developed code that I can reuse? How can I find these code examples and ramp up quickly so that I can apply them to my project? Can platform developers provide better ways to help would-be collaborators share and find code and examples?

With MATLAB Online hosted directly on using Hydroshare resources, researchers, educations and students can access the relevant data and shared models more easily. This talk will demonstrate the use of MATLAB Online to work with hydrological data. We’ll also cover how to share MATLAB work as notebooks, complete with embedded graphics, equations, and publication-quality formatting, using the new MATLAB Live Editor, enabling more transparent research and improved teaching and learning of water data science and more.

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How to Cite

Kempler, L. (2019). Model and Code Sharing via CUAHSI-hosted MATLAB Online, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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