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(HS 7) Jupyter Notebook for RHESSys Modeling Workflow: Toward Seamless Environmental Modeling

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Created: Mar 25, 2024 at 9:07 a.m.
Last updated: Oct 15, 2024 at 2:21 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Oct 15, 2024 at 2:21 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.99ac50f1dfa34faf81ab7976e3d8cfda
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Published
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This HydroShare resource offers Jupyter Notebooks for the RHESSys modeling workflow, employing the conventional, GeoServer and THREDDS approaches across Coweeta Subbasin 18, NC; Spout Run, VA; and Scotts Level Branch, MD. For instructions on running the Jupyter Notebooks, please refer to the provided README file within this resource.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


How to run the Jupyter notebooks for RHESSys modeling workflows

  • This README file provides users with a detailed step-by-step guide to successfully execute the six developed notebooks.
  • Each notebook requires the user to select a study area (Coweeta Subbasin 18, NC; Scotts Level Branch, MD; or Spout Run, VA) and a data access approach (Conventional; GeoServer; or TDS) at the outset. These selections define the project directory housing the RHESSys model input and output specific to the chosen study area and data access approach.
  • ATTENTION: Please Cleanup of Previous Files. Currently, some files may be generated outside the designated project directories. To ensure smooth execution when running notebooks for multiple combinations of study areas and data access approaches and avoid any errors, users are advised to delete any extraneous files in the parent directory before proceeding with the workflow for the new study area and/or data access approach. Developers are actively working to resolve this issue by consolidating all generated files within their respective project directories.

STEP 0: Preliminary Step

In this step the researchers make sure that they have access to the content files of the resource and required compute platform.
- In order to be able to run the six Jupyter notebooks, researchers need to first have a HydroShare account.
- If the researchers do not have access to CyberGIS-Jupyter for water (CJW), they need to submit an access request to CyberGIS-Jupyter for water.

  • To run this notebook:
    1. Click the OpenWith button in the upper-right corner of this HydroShare resource webpage;
    2. Select "CyberGIS-Jupyter for water";
    3. Open the notebook and follow instructions;

Step 1: Execute 'Step_1_Create_Model_Directory_and_Compile_RHESSys_EC7_2.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook creates model directory and compile RHESSysEC 7.2.

Step 2: Execute 'Step_2_Retrieve_Spatial_Inputs_and_TimeSeries_Data.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook retrieves DEM, NLCD, and SSURGO datasets, and in the cases of GeoServer and TDS data access approaches, subsets them accordingly. Additionally, time series datasets are obtained.

Step 3: Execute 'Step_3_Delineate_Watershed_and_Reclassify_NLCD_and_Soil_Map.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook delineates DEM, extract land cover, and SSURGO map.

Step 4: Execute 'Step_4_Create_Landuse_Fraction_Definition_Flow_and_Worldfiles_Model_Input.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook creates land use fraction, definition, flow, and worldfiles for RHESSys input.

Step 5: Execute 'Step_5_Create_Time_Series_Model_Input.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook creates RHESSys time-series input.

Step 6: Execute 'Step_6_Execute_RHESSys.ipynb' in CJW

This notebook demonstrates how to execute RHESSys and visualizes the output. After this notebook is successfully run, users need to refer to HS 8 for comparative evaluation of data consistency across different data access approaches for the three study areas.

Related Resources

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COPY FOR ARCHIVING OLD RESOURCES: (HS 1) Toward Seamless Environmental Modeling: Integration of HydroShare with Server-side Methods for Exposing Large Datasets to Models Iman Maghami  Private &  Shareable None

How to Cite

CHOI, Y., I. Maghami (2024). (HS 7) Jupyter Notebook for RHESSys Modeling Workflow: Toward Seamless Environmental Modeling, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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