Presentations about HydroShare

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Created: Apr 21, 2017 at 2:29 p.m.
Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 at 12:10 a.m.
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Collection of presentations I have given about the HydroShare project

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Collection Contents

Add Title Type Owners Sharing Status Remove
Presentations for iRODS User Group meeting Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Snowmelt Model Input Data Preparation Script Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare: Advancing Hydrology through Collaborative Data and Model Sharing Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare: Advancing Hydrology through Collaborative Data and Model Sharing Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Presentation to Geosemantics Meeting Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Presentation to NFIE Summer Institute Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Presentation to CUAHSI Biennial Symposium: Share and Publish Your Data and Models with HydroShare Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Data and Models as Social Objects in the HydroShare System for Collaboration in the Hydrology Community and Beyond Resource David Tarboton Public
Managing and Sharing Research Data Using HydroShare Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare Overview: Managing and Sharing Research Data Using HydroShare Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare and Model Sharing: Presentation to IWRSS Model Registry Team, Nov 8, 2016 Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare: A Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing in Hydrology Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
Data and Models as Social Objects in the HydroShare System for Collaboration in the Hydrology Community Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable
HydroShare Present and Future: Advances in the Hydroshare Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing Resource David Tarboton Public & Shareable

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How to Cite

Tarboton, D. (2017). Presentations about HydroShare, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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