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GroMoPo Metadata for Japan creeping landslide model

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Created: Feb 06, 2023 at 8:56 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 at 8:57 p.m.
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To predict the movement of an existing creeping landslide, monitoring and analysis of hydrological parameters are crucial. This paper analyses the hydrological parameters of an existing creeping landslide site in western Japan. The groundwater flow and resulting fluctuation in pore water pressure at the slip layer of a sliding block was simulated using a groundwater flow model. A quasi-three-dimensional factor of safety of the block was obtained by combining the groundwater model with slope stability analysis methods. The results show that for prediction purposes at a creeping landslide site the time series analysis using long-term data is of limited use, because the fluctuations of ground surface movement and hydrological parameters are not completely synchronized when the factor of safety of the slope soil is in the creep movement range. The ground surface movement rate dropped after each episode of relatively big movement, even when the hydrological parameters were constant. The factor of safety of the sliding block was more influenced by groundwater recharge from the hills than by rainfall. Pore water pressure fluctuation obtained from groundwater flow model resulting from specific rainfall events indicated better relations between fluctuations in pore water pressure 3 and ground surface movement.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Additional Metadata

Name Value
DOI 10.18814/epiiugs/2006/v29i1/003
Scale < 100 km²
Layers 2-5 layers
Purpose decision support
GroMoPo_ID 21
IsVerified True
Model Code MODFLOW
Model Link
Model Time unknown
Model Year 2006
Model Authors H. K. Shrestha, R. Yatabe, N. P. Bhandary
Model Country Japan
Data Available report/paper only
Developer Email
Dominant Geology Model focuses on multiple geologic materials
Developer Country Japan
Publication Title Use of groundwater flow model in the analysis of a creeping landslide in western Japan
Original Developer No
Additional Information Model is located at Otoyo Town in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, in western Japan
Integration or Coupling None of the above
Evaluation or Calibration
Geologic Data Availability

How to Cite

GroMoPo, D. Kretschmer (2023). GroMoPo Metadata for Japan creeping landslide model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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