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WEAP and WASH Bear River Systems Models

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Created: Jan 22, 2019 at 4:18 a.m.
Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 at 7:25 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.af71ef99a95e47a89101983f5ec6ad8b
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WEAP and WASH Bear River Systems Models

This resource includes an SQLite file for the Water Management Data Model (WaMDaM) that stores data for two models in the Bear River Watershed in Utah.

The first model is the Watershed Area of Suitable Habitat (WASH) optimization model that allocates water to maximize watershed habitat areas for the Lower Bear River Watershed (Utah portion) (Alafifi and Rosenberg, 2020). The WASH model uses the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) engine which has no user interface.

The second model is a WEAP simulation model that allocates water by water right priority within the Bear River Watershed (Utah and Idaho portions). WEAP has a proprietary database and does not support data publication. Both the WASH and WEAP models were developed from a predecessor 2010 Utah Division of Water Resources model for the lower Bear River basin that had a plain text input file and Fortran computational engine which was depreciated. The WASH model disaggregated irrigation demands within Cache Valley, Utah while the WEAP model extended the model domain upstream to Idaho and Bear Lake.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
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South Latitude
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Additional Metadata

Name Value
People David E. Rosenberg, David B. Cole et al, Jack Sieber, Jim Stagge, Ayman H. Alafifi, Adel Abdallah
Souces BearRiverFeb2017_V10.9, Genres model for the Lower Bear River, Class Assignment CEE6460, Jim Stagge work, LowerBearRiverFeb2015_V9, WASH-GitHub, OpenAgua/
Methods UDWR-GenRes-Manual, Water Evaluation And Planning System, Bear River Model 2017, Bear River Model 2017_cons, Bear River Model 2017_incr, WASH, Online
Scenarios Bear River WEAP Model 2017, Cons25PercCacheUrbWaterUse, Incr25PercCacheUrbWaterUse, Copy, Cons25PercCacheUrbWaterUse_result, Incr25PercCacheUrbWaterUse_result, Bear River WEAP Model 2017_result, Bear River WEAP Model 2012, OneYear, ConsDemand, IncrDemand
AttributesCV Depleted flow, Cost, Priority, Flow, Demand, Elevation, Evaporation, Max_Volume, Min_Volume, Reservoir bathymetry curve, Volume, Watershed Area of Suitable Habitat, Factor
ObjectTypesCV Catchment, Demand site, Diversion, Groundwater, Headflow, Hydroelectric plant, Reservoir, Return flow, Site, Stream, Wastewater treatment plant
Organizations Utah Water Research Lab, Utah Division of Water Resources (UDWR), Stockholm Environment Institute, Utah State University
ResourceTypes Water Evaluation And Planning, Watershed Area of Suitable Habitat (WASH) Systems Model
MasterNetworkName Bear River Network, Lower Bear River Network

How to Cite

Abdallah, A. (2020). WEAP and WASH Bear River Systems Models, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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