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Created: | Nov 19, 2019 at 12:11 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 19, 2019 at 8:13 a.m. | |
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The chemical database includes chemical analysis and characterization for regolith and rock samples collected from the Susqhuehanna Shale Hills CZO, the Boulder Creek CZO, the Luquillo CZO, and the Jemez River-Santa Catalina CZO, as well as other sites in the United States and abroad. Additionally, the database provides contextual information for the chemical data, including site characterization and sampling collection, preparation, and analysis methods. Eventually, pore water, gas, and biota analyses will be included.
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | |
End Date: |
Cross-CZO -- Soil Geochemistry -- Shale Hills, Boulder, Luquillo, JRB-SCM, Calhoun -- (2001-2013)
The chemical database includes chemical analysis and characterization for regolith and rock samples collected from the Susqhuehanna Shale Hills CZO, the Boulder Creek CZO, the Luquillo CZO, and the Jemez River-Santa Catalina CZO, as well as other sites in the United States and abroad. Additionally, the database provides contextual information for the chemical data, including site characterization and sampling collection, preparation, and analysis methods. Eventually, pore water, gas, and biota analyses will be included.
Niu, Xianzeng|Williams, Jennifer|Brantley, Susan L.|Miller, Doug|Bills, Brian
Boulder|Calhoun|Catalina-Jemez|Luquillo|Shale Hills
Dr. Susan Brantley, Professor of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, 2217 Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, University Park, PA, 16802, 814.865.1619,
Level 1 - Quality Controlled Data
Geochemistry / Mineralogy|Biogeochemistry
Soil Geochemistry
soil|geochemistry|soil chemistry|water chemistry
City|State|Country|Mean Annual Precipitation|Mean Annual Temperature|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|Slope Degree|Aspect|Landscape Position|Land use|Vegetation|Parent Lithology|Exposure Age|Erosion Rate|Depth to Bedrock|Soil Taxonomy|SSURGO_ID|Sample Medium|Sampling Date and Time|Sampling Depth (cm)|Collection Method|Method of Preparation|Method of Analysis|Analysis Date|Laboratory Conducting Analysis|Textual Information|Numeric Information|Persons|Institutions|Publications
Variables ODM2
Digital elevation model|Bedrock type|Elevation|Erosion rate|land classification|Latitude|Longitude|Precipitation|Temperature|Geologic unit|Recorder code|Depth, soil|Slope|Soil classification|Vegetation type
Date Start
Date End
Field Areas
Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory|Bisley|Boulder Creek Watershed|Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains|Santa Catalina Mountains
Shale Hills, Boulder, Luquillo, JRB-SCM, Calhoun
North latitude
South latitude
West longitude
East longitude
Publications are noted in the database. To cite this database, please cite “Niu et al. (2011) CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing Management and Access of Critical Zone Geochemical Data, submitted to Applied Geochemisty”. The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication or citation of these data: Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Shale Hills Susquehanna Critical Zone Observatory.
Publications of this data
Niu, X., Lehnert, K. A.. Williams, J., Brantley, S. L. (2011). CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing management and access of critical zone geochemical data. Applied Geochemistry 26:S108–S111,
Award Grant Numbers
National Science Foundation - EAR 0819857
To access data within CZchemDB, please follow this sequence of steps: Download zip file > Extract all elements into the same folder > from that folder, Open CZchemDB_V10_FrontEndApp > you should receive a pop-up window 'Success' all access tables were successfully reconnected > Click OK > How to Use CZchemDB form will be displayed which provides instructions to search the database.
Methods vary amongst samples and are noted in the database. This is a macro-enabled Microsoft ACCESS file. Your computer security must be set to medium to allow macros to be enabled. IMPORTANT: Upon opening file, click “Options” and enable content when Security Warning appears. If you are interested in adding to the database, please use the template included in this zip file. If any questions arise, contact Jennifer Williams,, to facilitate your data entry. The database is currently protected from public data entry access.
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
czos | Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Luquillo, Shale Hills |
czo_id | 2609 |
citation | Publications are noted in the database. To cite this database, please cite “Niu et al. (2011) CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing Management and Access of Critical Zone Geochemical Data, submitted to Applied Geochemisty”. The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication or citation of these data: Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Shale Hills Susquehanna Critical Zone Observatory. |
comments | To access data within CZchemDB, please follow this sequence of steps: Download zip file > Extract all elements into the same folder > from that folder, Open CZchemDB_V10_FrontEndApp > you should receive a pop-up window 'Success' all access tables were successfully reconnected > Click OK > How to Use CZchemDB form will be displayed which provides instructions to search the database. Methods vary amongst samples and are noted in the database. This is a macro-enabled Microsoft ACCESS file. Your computer security must be set to medium to allow macros to be enabled. IMPORTANT: Upon opening file, click “Options” and enable content when Security Warning appears. If you are interested in adding to the database, please use the template included in this zip file. If any questions arise, contact Jennifer Williams,, to facilitate your data entry. The database is currently protected from public data entry access. |
keywords | soil, geochemistry, soil chemistry, water chemistry |
subtitle | Level 1 - Quality Controlled Data |
variables | City, State, Country, Mean Annual Precipitation, Mean Annual Temperature, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Slope Degree, Aspect, Landscape Position, Land use, Vegetation, Parent Lithology, Exposure Age, Erosion Rate, Depth to Bedrock, Soil Taxonomy, SSURGO_ID, Sample Medium, Sampling Date and Time, Sampling Depth (cm), Collection Method, Method of Preparation, Method of Analysis, Analysis Date, Laboratory Conducting Analysis, Textual Information, Numeric Information, Persons, Institutions, Publications |
disciplines | Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Biogeochemistry |
Related Resources
This resource is referenced by | Niu, X., Lehnert, K. A.. Williams, J., Brantley, S. L. (2011). CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing management and access of critical zone geochemical data. Applied Geochemistry 26:S108–S111, |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | EAR 0819857 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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