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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 861.8 MB | |
Created: | Oct 28, 2019 at 9:11 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Dec 12, 2019 at 10:19 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content Multidimensional Content |
Sharing Status: | Public |
Views: | 1905 |
Downloads: | 176 |
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Due to changes in the climate and increased human consumptive uses, determining the availability of future water in the Colorado River Basin is critical. Availability of water can be estimated based on river discharge, precipitation, and air temperatures. Many research projects in the Colorado River Basin depend on these data. In order to simplify the data collection process for many projects, a single database with precipitation, temperature, and flow data from various sources was created. Discharge data were obtained from three independent sources while precipitation and temperature data were obtained from two independent sources. Using scripts in R, all the data was formatted and imported into a SQLite database named the Observation Data Model (ODM). The ODM provides researchers a vast amount of hydrologic data in a single database that can be easily downloaded. This product provides researchers the ability to spend less time gathering data and more time analysing the data.To determine the level of effort required to interact with the ODM, some minor analysis and plots were created in R. These plots revealed the disadvantage of using ODM rather than a gridded database. Extracting or querying the desired data is slightly more involved. To help mitigate this disadvantage, the process of extracting data is described in this report. The ODM and all associated input data and scripts were uploaded to public Hydroshare resource. This enables the ODM to be downloaded and used by anyone.
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The resource contains an SQL data that stores hydrologic data for the Colorado River Basin. The database includes precipitation, temperature, naturalized discharge, observed discharge, and tree ring estimated discharge. References of each of the data sources are included in the ODM sources table. The ODM was developed by staff at the Utah Water Research Lab in Logan, Utah. Code was used to format and import all data into the ODM. All the codes are uploaded in this resource. The codes can be downloaded and updated with minimal effort to import additional data or change the formatting. A blank ODM file is included in this resource. ReadMe files are included with each code describing each set of code.
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