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Turbidity and suspended sediment data for Dead Run, Baltimore County, MD, USA, 2013-2016

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Created: May 15, 2023 at 3 a.m.
Last updated: May 27, 2023 at 2:49 a.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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This resource includes turbidity data measured at five USGS gaging stations in Dead Run, Baltimore County, Maryland. Data were collected with a YSI EXO2 sonde outfitted with a turbidity sensor from 2013- 2016. The collection interval was initially 30 minutes then switched to 5 minutes beginning in 2015. Suspended sediment was collected using ISCO samplers for the purpose of establishing correlations between turbidity and suspended sediment concentration, thus yielding a continuous record of suspended sediment concentration. Instantaneous sediment mass flux was calculated from the product of USGS instantaneous discharge data and suspended sediment concentration. Aggregation of data to monthly and annual mass loads and yields from 2013 to 2016 is presented in Kemper et al 2019. This resource is intended to provide data cited in Kemper et al 2019 to replace the citation.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Woodlawn, MD
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



# Site Information
# ---------------------------------- 
# SiteCode: DRKR
# SiteName: Dead Run at Franklintown, Maryland
# Latitude: 39.311222
# Longitude: -76.716639
# LatLonDatum: NAD83 
# Elevation_m: 92.6
# ElevationDatum: NAVD88 
# State: Maryland 
# County: Baltimore 
# Comments: Co-located with USGS stream gaging station 01589330.
# SiteType: Stream 
# SiteCode: DR4
# SiteName: Dead Run 
# Latitude: 39.31325
# Longitude: -76.732111
# LatLonDatum: NAD83 
# Elevation_m: 99.13
# ElevationDatum: NAVD88 
# State: Maryland 
# County: Baltimore 
# Comments: Co-located with USGS stream gaging station 01589315.
# SiteType: Stream
# SiteCode: DR3
# SiteName: Dead Run Tributary at Woodlawn, Maryland
# Latitude: 39.318056
# Longitude:  -76.735778
# LatLonDatum: NAD83 
# Elevation_m:  100.92
# ElevationDatum: NAVD88 
# State: Maryland 
# County: Baltimore 
# Comments: Co-located with USGS stream gaging station 01589320.
# SiteType: Stream 
# SiteCode: DR2
# SiteName: Dead Run Tributary Near Woodlawn, Maryland
# Latitude: 39.318917
# Longitude: -76.750694
# LatLonDatum: NAD83 
# Elevation_m: 114.7 
# ElevationDatum: NAVD88 
# State: Maryland 
# County: Baltimore 
# Comments: Co-located with USGS stream gaging station 01589316.
# SiteType: Stream 
# SiteCode: DR5
# SiteName: Dead Run Near Catonsville, Maryland
# Latitude: 39.295889
# Longitude: -76.744083
# LatLonDatum: NAD83 
# Elevation_m: 124.29
# ElevationDatum: NAVD88 
# State: Maryland 
# County: Baltimore 
# Comments: Co-located with USGS stream gaging station 01589312.
# SiteType: Stream 
# Variable and Method Information
# ----------------------------------
# VariableCode: Turbidity_FNU
# VariableName: Turbidity_FNU
# ValueType: Field Observation
# DataType: Continuous
# GeneralCategory: Water Quality
# SampleMedium: Surface Water
# VariableUnitsName: formazin nephelometric unit
# VariableUnitsType: Turbidity
# VariableUnitsAbbreviation: FNU
# VariableCode: Suspended_sediment_conc
# VariableName: Suspended sediment concentration
# ValueType: Derived value
# DataType: Continuous
# GeneralCategory: Water Quality
# SampleMedium: Surface Water
# VariableUnitsName: milligrams per liter
# VariableUnitsType: Concentration
# VariableUnitsAbbreviation: mg/L
# VariableCode: Suspended_sediment_mass_flux
# VariableName: Suspended sediment mass flux, instantaneous
# ValueType: Derived value
# DataType: Continuous
# GeneralCategory: Water Quality
# SampleMedium: Surface Water
# VariableUnitsName: milligrams per second
# VariableUnitsType: Mass flux
# VariableUnitsAbbreviation: mg/s
# NoDataValue: -9999  
# TimeSupport: 0.0  
# TimeSupportUnitsAbbreviation: min  
# TimeSupportUnitsType: Time  
# TimeSupportUnitsName: minute 
# MethodCode: YSI-EXO2
# MethodDescription: YSI-EXO2 sondes were co-located with USGS stream gaging stations. The sondes were equipped with nephelometric near-IR turbidimeter sensors, having a detection range of 0 to 4000 FNU (formazin nephelometric units)with a precision of 0.01 FNU and accuracy of 0.3 FNU or ± 2% of reading. The sensors were calibrated regularly using a 2-point calibration with distilled water and YSI turbidity calibration solution (item 607300 (124 FNU)). Turbidity data were collected at 30-min intervals from December 2012 through November 2014 at DR5, through December 2014 at DR2, through February 2015 at DR3, through March 2015 at DR4, and throughMay 2015 at DRKR. Data were collected  at five-minute intervals subsequent to those dates at each monitoring station.
# MethodLink:
# MethodCode: Suspended_sediment_conc
# MethodDescription: The USGS has developed methods for the collection of fluvial sediment data (Guy, 1969; Porterfield, 1972; Edwards and Glysson, 1999; Nolan et al., 2005; Diplas et al., 2008; Rasmussen et al., 2011), which were followed in this study. Sediment samples were gathered at all five USGS stream gaging stations. At least seven point samples per year were collected at each station over a range of storm magnitudes. Point samples were gathered using an ISCO 6712 automated sampler. Four seasonal baseflow samples were collected using the same method. Equal-Weight Increment (EWI) samples were collected at each gaging station for two medium- to high-flow events during the first two years of the study by lowering a DH-81 sampler at multiple verticals across the channel at the nearest possible location to the gaging station (Edwards and Glysson, 1999; Nolan et al., 2005; Gray and Simões, 2008). Between 10 and 20 verticals were designated for each location, as recommended by USGS sampling guidelines. These EWI samples were compared to the ISCO samples in order to determine the efficiency of point sampling and to relate sediment concentrations from the ISCO to those from EWI sampling. EWI sample concentrations were within 5% of ISCO point sample concentrations for the same storm event at all stations except for DR4, where they were within 15%. This indicates that sediment concentrations were well mixed across the channel. Samples were shipped to the USGS Kentucky Water Science Center Sediment Laboratory for analysis of suspended sediment concentration following standard USGS methods (Guy, 1969; Knott et al., 1992; Shreve and Downs, 2005). Suspended sediment concentration-turbidity relations were developed for each station, based on sediment concentration data from the samples analyzed by the USGS laboratory and the time-associated, in-stream measured turbidity (Figure 4 of Kemper et al., 2019). Turbidity-concentration relations were then used in conjunction with turbidity time series data from the in-stream sensors to construct time series of suspended sediment concentration following the published USGS method (Rasmussen et al., 2011). 
#MethodCode: Suspended_sediment_mass_flux
# MethodDescription: Suspended sediment concentration and USGS stream discharge data were combined to calculate suspended sediment loads for 2013–2016. Daily, monthly, and annual suspended sediment loads (SSL) were calculated by the integration of loads over each measured time interval. Suspended sediment yields were calculated by the division of suspended sediment loads by drainage area. Reference citations can be found in Kemper et al., 2019 (
# Processing Level
# QualityControlLevelCode: QC0
# QualityControlLevelDefinition: Quality controlled data.
# QualityControlLevelExplanation: Data have been minimally edited.
# QualityControlLevelCode: QC1
# QualityControlLevelDefinition: Quality controlled data.
# QualityControlLevelExplanation: Data have passed quality control processing.
# Qualifier Codes
# ----------------------------------
# LI: Linear Interpolation
# Source Information 
# ---------------------------------- 
# Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
# SourceCode: UMBC
# SourceDescription: Continuous water quality monitoring data collected by University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
# SourceLink: Null 
# ContactName: Claire Welty 
# Email: 
# Welty, C., J. Kemper (2023). Turbidity and suspended sediment data for Dead Run, Baltimore County, MD, USA, 2013-2016, HydroShare,
# Censor Codes
# ----------------------------------
# gt: greater than
# lt: less than
# nc: not censored
# nd: non-detect
# UTC Offset
# UTCOffset: -5  

Related Resources

This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Dead Run Data Collection Claire Welty · John Lagrosa IV  Discoverable &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Urban Critical Zone processes along the Piedmont-Coastal Plain transition 2012340
Chesapeake Bay Trust Assessment of stream restoration impacts on urban sediment load and comparison with TMDL guidelines 12507


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
John J. Lagrosa IV Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Maryland, US
Andrew Miller UMBC MD, US

How to Cite

Welty, C., J. Kemper (2023). Turbidity and suspended sediment data for Dead Run, Baltimore County, MD, USA, 2013-2016, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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