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Bioretention Evapotranspiration

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Created: Mar 31, 2021 at 6:11 p.m.
Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 at 11:44 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.e14c468d23274019bc53061c0a42e4aa
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Content types: Single File Content 
Sharing Status: Published
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This dataset contains raw and processed data from a weighing lysimeter installed in a bioretention cell in Vaughan, Ontario. The lysimeter was a Smart Field Lysimeter (UMS), 30 cm height. The data collected was weight of the lysimeter tank and storage water tank every minute, and a variety of soil parameters (pressure, water content, conductivity and temperature) collected every 10 minutes. The dataset was collected August 21-November 4, 2018 and May 1-November 4, 2019. The data was processed using a filtering scheme (Hannes et al., 2015), and the code used for the processing is also included in this dataset.
The files contained are:
Two folders – water balance input and output using filtering scheme from (Hannes et al., 2015)
Lysimeter_201905-201911.xlsx – raw and processed ET, seepage and sensor data

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Kortright Centre for Conservation


Start Date:
End Date:


Additional Metadata

Name Value
J calculation of mass flux, in mm of water
P calculation of precipitation, in mm of water
ET calculation of evapotranspiration, in mm water
Sflux calculation of seepage flux, in mm water
L1-LYW raw lysimeter mass in kg
L1-SWW raw storage tank mass in kg
DateTime date and time
P-corr [mm] precipitation, corrected, in mm. data points highlighted in yellow were removed and replaced with 0
ET-corr [mm] evapotranspiration, corrected, in mm. data points highlighted in orange were removed because they were unrealistically high
SWW-filtered resulting SWW mass after filtering scheme, in kg
P-lys-fitered pulls from pivot table for precipitation, in mm
L1-Pump-in [s] water pumped into lysimeter tank, length of time in seconds
ET-lys-filtered pulls from pivot table for evapotranspiration, in mm
L1-MPS-T1 [kPa] soil tension at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-MPS-T2 [kPa] soil tension at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank
L1-MPS-T3 [kPa] soil tension at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-Pump-out [s] water pumped out of lysimeter tank, length of time in seconds
L1-EC-T1 [mS/cm] soil electrical conductivity at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-EC-T2 [mS/cm] soil electrical conductivity at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank
L1-EC-T3 [mS/cm] soil electrical conductivity at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-Echo-T1 [%WC] volumetric water content at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-Echo-T2 [%WC] volumetric water content at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank
L1-Echo-T3 [%WC] volumetric water content at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank
Masssum-filtered resulting sum of LYW and SWW after filtering scheme, in kg
L1-Temp-T1 [degC] soil temperature at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-Temp-T2 [degC] soil temperature at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank
L1-Temp-T3 [degC] soil temperature at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank
L1-VTENS-T4 [kPa] tensiometer in lysimeter tank bottom, in kilopascals
L1-REF-TENS-T4 [kPa] reference tensiometer, located in bioretention cell at 25-cm depth, in kilopascals
L1-Field-Temp-T4 [degC] air temperature inside field box

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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Strategic Partnership 47903415

How to Cite

Spraakman, S., J. Drake (2021). Bioretention Evapotranspiration, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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