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GroMoPo Metadata for Madison Group, Powder River Basin USGS model

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Created: Feb 07, 2023 at 8:11 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 at 8:12 p.m.
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A digital simulation model was used to analyze regional ground-water flow in the Madison Group aquifer in the Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming and adjacent areas. Most recharge to the aquifer originates in or near the outcrop areas of the Madison in the Bighorn Mountains and Black Hills, and most discharge occurs through springs and wells. Flow through the aquifer in the modeled areas was approximately 200 cubic feet per second. The aquifer can probably sustain increased ground-water withdrawals of up to several tens of cubic feet per second, but these withdrawals probably would significantly lower the potentiometric surface in the Madison aquifer in a large part of the basin. (Woodard-USGS)

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
United States
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Additional Metadata

Name Value
DOI 10.3133/wri7563
Scale 10 001 - 100 000 km²
Layers 1 layer
Purpose Groundwater resources
GroMoPo_ID 128
IsVerified True
Model Code Unknown
Model Link
Model Time
Model Year 1976
Model Authors L. Konikow
Model Country United States
Data Available Report/paper only
Developer Email
Dominant Geology Unsure
Developer Country USA
Publication Title Preliminary digital model of ground-water flow in the Madison Group, Powder River Basin and adjacent areas, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska
Original Developer No
Additional Information
Integration or Coupling
Evaluation or Calibration Static water levels
Geologic Data Availability

How to Cite

GroMoPo, D. Kretschmer (2023). GroMoPo Metadata for Madison Group, Powder River Basin USGS model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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