Texas Groundwater Availability Models

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Created: Mar 05, 2020 at 10:53 a.m.
Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 at 2:23 a.m.
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Sharing Status: Discoverable
Views: 1252
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The Groundwater Availability Models (GAMs) were commissioned b the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and created with hydrological, climatic, and geological data from the state to model its aquifers behavior. Their main objective is as a tool to aid in the planning and management of the groundwater resources in the state to accomplish the TWDB 2017 water plan (currently adopted).
This set of GAMs has been translated from their original MOFLOW version to MODFLOW 2000 for uniformity and all can be run either in MODFLOW or in GMS (Aquaveo 2017).

To access this data, please contact at aaron.pena.hydro@tamu.edu

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
['Decimal degrees']
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
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Collection Contents

Add Title Type Owners Sharing Status Remove
Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer GAM Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Edwards Balcones Fault Zone, North Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Edwards Balcones Fault Zone San Antonio Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Springs Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Edwards Trinity Plateau Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Carrizo-Wilcox South Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Carrizo-Wilcox North Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Carrizo-Wilcox Center Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Gulf Coast Center Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Gulf Coast North Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Gulf Coast South Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Hueco Mesilla Bolson Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Ogallala North Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Ogallala South Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Trinity Hill Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable
Trinity North Resource Aaron Pena Rodriguez Discoverable & Shareable

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How to Cite

Pena Rodriguez, A., G. R. Miller (2021). Texas Groundwater Availability Models, HydroShare, http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/e6642be0023d4269bd882a1a5dfc2593

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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