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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 54.2 MB | |
Created: | Oct 21, 2019 at 6:07 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jun 07, 2021 at 4:34 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Mar 15, 2021 at 2:11 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.ea30176c717d4b7baeb85c16427f1d6f | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content Geographic Raster Content |
Sharing Status: | Published |
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This resource contains data inputs and an iPython Jupyter Notebook used to simulate semi-distributed variable source area runoff generation in a tributary to the Logan River. This resource is part of the HydroLearn Physical Hydrology learning module available at
In this activity, the student learns how to (1) calculate the topographic wetness index using digital elevation models (DEMs) following up on a previous module on DEMs and GIS in Hydrology; (2) apply TOPMODEL concepts and equations to estimate soil moisture deficit and runoff generation across a watershed given necessary watershed and storm characteristics; and (3) critically assess concepts and assumptions to determine if and why TOPMODEL is an appropriate tool given information about a specific watershed.
Please note that this exercise sets up the data needed to estimate runoff in the Spawn Creek watershed using TOPMODEL. Spawn Creek is a tributary of the Logan River, Utah. This exercise uses some of the same data as the Logan River Exercise in Digital Elevation Models and GIS in Hydrology at If running the TOPMODEL for other study sites, you need to prepare a DEM TIF file and an outlet shapefile for the area of interest.
- There are several sources to obtain DEM data. In the U.S., the DEM data (with different spatial resolutions) can be obtained from the National Elevation Dataset available from the national map ( Another DEM data source is the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ( an international research effort that obtained digital elevation models on a near-global scale (search for Digital Elevation at
- If not already available, you can generate the outlet shapefile by applying basic terrain analysis steps in geospatial information system models such as ArcGIS or QGIS.
Subject Keywords
Data Services
Related Resources
This resource is referenced by | Lane, B. A. & Garousi Nejad, I. (2019), Physical Hydrology, HydroLearn, |
The content of this resource is derived from | The TIF file, LoganDEM.tif, is the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of the Logan Watershed. LoganDEM.tif data was obtained from the National Elevation Dataset available from the national map ( |
The content of this resource is derived from | The shapefile, SpawnOutlet.shp, is retrieved from terrain analysis processes. |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | Collaborative Research: Improving Student Learning in Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering by Enabling the Development, Sharing and Interoperability of Active Learning Resou | 1726965 |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | Collaborative Research: Improving Student Learning in Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering by Enabling the Development, Sharing and Interoperability of Active Learning Resou | 1725989 |
Utah State University | Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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