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Dataset for 'STAEBLE: A surface temperature & avaliable energy based lake evaporation model'

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Created: Jun 08, 2022 at 1:47 a.m.
Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 at 11:57 a.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.fa49d7f16703447b9e04552cc532936d
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Published
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This dataset is part of the article entitled 'STAEBLE: A surface temperature & avaliable energy based lake evaporation model' from Dias, Hoeltgebaum and Santos, submitted to the Water Resources Research journal in June 2022. More detail on the processing and source of data and methods of calculations can be seen in the article.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Lake Mead
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



compareT0.out                 -- sentinel T0 versus MODIS averaged T0
compareT0px1.out              -- sentinel T0 versus MODIS pixel closest to sentinel
lakemead-ab.out               -- STAEBLE-AB input and output data
lakemead-a.out                -- STAEBLE-A  input and output data
lakemead-b.out                -- STAEBLE-B  input and output data
lakemead-ch.out               -- STAEBLE-CH  input and output data
lakemead-c.out                -- STAEBLE-C  input and output data
landlake-lak.out              -- comparison of ea, Ta, Bowen ratios with T0 measured at sentinel platform
landlake-mod.out              -- comparison of ea, Ta, Bowen ratios with MODIS T0
landlakeT0.out                -- comparison of ea, Ta, Bowen ratios with both sentinel T0 and MODIS T0
lowfluxes-ab.out              -- STAEBLE-AB output filtered with LOWESS (21 days)
lowfluxes-a.out               -- STAEBLE-A output filtered with LOWESS (21 days)
lowfluxes-b.out               -- STAEBLE-B output filtered with LOWESS (21 days)
lowfluxes-ch.out              -- STAEBLE-CH output filtered with LOWESS (21 days)
lowfluxes-c.out               -- STAEBLE-C output filtered with LOWESS (21 days)
monthfluxes-ab.out            -- STAEBLE-AB output averaged to monthly values
monthfluxes-a.out             -- STAEBLE-A output averaged to monthly values
monthfluxes-b.out             -- STAEBLE-B output averaged to monthly values
monthfluxes-ch.out            -- STAEBLE-CH output averaged to monthly values
monthfluxes-c.out             -- STAEBLE-C output averaged to monthly values
studyrad-best-mod.out         -- Observed versus parameterized Rn for best set of aB, bB, aP, bP
studyrad-mod.out              -- Error statistics for parameterized Rn, all 75 cases
sumenergy.out                 -- Cumulative values of observed Rn, H, LE

How to Cite

Dias, N. L., L. E. B. Hoeltgebaum, I. Santos (2022). Dataset for 'STAEBLE: A surface temperature & avaliable energy based lake evaporation model', HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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