CIROH Community Water Modeling

Public GroupPublic Group

landing page for Community Water Modeling CIROH working group datasets

This working group's task is to Develop recommendations for interoperable standards and governance policies and procedures for CIROH’s community developmental version of the NextGen Framework. Develop recommendations for hydrologic model representation across the North American domain. Coordinate with CIROH and other WGs to plan research compute needs.

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Type Title First Author Date Created Last Modified Subject Authors Permission Level Labels Favorite Last Modified Sharing Status Date Created
Geographic Feature Resource Icon  Geographic Feature
Geographic Raster Resource Icon  Geographic Raster
Multidimensional Resource Icon  Multidimensional
Time Series Resource Icon  Time Series
HIS Referenced Time Series Resource Icon  HIS Referenced Time Series
Model Program Resource Icon  Model Program
Model Instance Resource Icon  Model Instance
 File Set
Public Resource Public
Private Resource Private
Discoverable Resource Discoverable
Published Resource Published
Pending Publication Pending Publication
Sharable Resource Shareable
Non Sharable Resource Not Shareable
Contains Spatial Coverage Contains Spatial Coverage
Collection Resource Icon  Collection
Composite Resource Icon  Composite
App Connector Icon  App Connector
All 0
Owners 0
Pending 0

Clara Cogswell

Community Support Hydrologist

James Halgren


Irene Garousi-Nejad

Research Scientist

Arpita Patel


Ayman Nemnem

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