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BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_IS_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2010-2018)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 3:32 a.m.
Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 at 9:44 p.m.
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Intermittent spring water samples were collected within the Boulder Creek Watershed in Gordon Gulch from 2011 to 2013. Samples were filtered by Boulder Creek CZO Water Chemistry Lab with 0.45µm and 1µm filters. Samples were analyzed for conductivity, major ions, alkalinity, nutrients and organics, and water isotopes. Major ions analyzed included H+, Ca+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO4-, and SiO2. Nutrients and organics analyzed mainly included DOC, TDN, IP, DOP, and TDP. Water isotopes analyzed included O18 and D.

GGL_IS_7, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGL_IS_NF_10, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGL_IS_11, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGL_IS_11_ISCO, Sample Coll: Automated, Automatic water sampler

GGU_IS_SF_1, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_SF_2, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_3, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_4, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_5, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_6, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_SF_8, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGL_IS_SF_8_ISCO, Sample Coll: Automated, Automatic water sampler

GGU_IS_NF_9, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_12, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_13, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_SF_14, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_15, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_NF_16, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

GGU_IS_SF_17, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Gordon Gulch, Gordon Gulch
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_IS_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2010-2018)



Intermittent spring water samples were collected within the Boulder Creek Watershed in Gordon Gulch from 2011 to 2013. Samples were filtered by Boulder Creek CZO Water Chemistry Lab with 0.45µm and 1µm filters. Samples were analyzed for conductivity, major ions, alkalinity, nutrients and organics, and water isotopes. Major ions analyzed included H+, Ca+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO4-, and SiO2. Nutrients and organics analyzed mainly included DOC, TDN, IP, DOP, and TDP. Water isotopes analyzed included O18 and D.

Query page here:

GGL_IS_7, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGL_IS_NF_10, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGL_IS_11, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGL_IS_11_ISCO, Sample Coll: Automated, Automatic water sampler GGU_IS_SF_1, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_SF_2, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_3, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_4, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_5, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_6, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_SF_8, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGL_IS_SF_8_ISCO, Sample Coll: Automated, Automatic water sampler GGU_IS_NF_9, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_12, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_13, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_SF_14, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_15, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_NF_16, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site GGU_IS_SF_17, Sample Coll: Manual, Water Chemistry, Intermittent spring sampling site


Suzanne Anderson





Intermittent Spring Chemistry in Gordon Gulch Group ID: GG_IS_Array



Water Chemistry


Surface Water Chemistry




Surface water chemistry|intermittent spring water chemistry


Location|Collection Date|Collection Time|Air Temp(C)|Cloud Cover(%)|Water Temp(C)|Wind|(Major Ions and Si)H+(uEQ/L) Ca++(ppm)|Ca++(uEQ/L)|K+(ppm)|K+(uEQ/L)|Mg++(ppm)|Mg++(uEQ/L)|Na+(ppm)|Na+(uEQ/L)|NH4+(uEQ/L)|Cl-(ppm)|Cl-(uEQ/L)|NO3-(ppm)|NO3-(uEQ/L)|SO4=(ppm)|SO4=(uEQ/L)|Si ICP Centrifuge(ppm)|Si ICP(ppm)|SiO2 Colorimetric(uM/L)|SiO2 ICP Centrifuge(ppm)|SiO2 ICP(ppm)|SUM+|SUM-|Charge Bal|% Diff Charge Bal|ANC(uEQ/L)|ANC(mg/L)|(Nutrients)DOC mg C/L|IN(umol/L)|PN(umol/L)|TN(umol/L)|DON(umol/L)|TDN(umol/L)|IP(umol/L)|PP(umol/L)|TP(umol/L)|DOP(umol/L)|TDP(umol/L)|Phaeophytin(ug/L)|(Water Isotopes) D-EXCESS/mill|d18O/mill|d18 1sigma|dD/mill|Tritium(TU)|Tritium 1sigma|Lab Conductivity|Field Conductivity

Variables ODM2

Temperature|Acid neutralizing capacity|Calcium, dissolved|Cloud cover|Chloride|Chlorine|delta-18O of H2O|Deuterium|Nitrogen, dissolved organic|Phosphorus, dissolved organic|Electrical conductivity|Nitrogen, inorganic|Phosphorus, inorganic|Potassium, dissolved|Hardness, total|Magnesium, dissolved|Sodium, dissolved|Nitrogen, NH4|Nitrogen, nitrate (NO3)|Carbon, dissolved organic|Pheophytin|Nitrogen, particulate organic|Phosphorus, particulate|Silica|Sulfate, dissolved|Nitrogen, total dissolved|Phosphorus, total dissolved|Tritium (3H), Delta T of H2O|Wind chill


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

Gordon Gulch


Gordon Gulch

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude





Related datasets

BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (BT_SW_0) -- Betasso -- (2008-2017)

BCCZO -- Groundwater Chemistry -- (BT_GW_1) -- Betasso -- (2013-2017)

BCCZO -- Precipitation -- Water Chemistry (BT-GGU_P_Canopy-Open) -- Betasso & Gordon Gulch -- (2011-2016)

BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (BC_SW_Array) -- Boulder Creek CZO -- (2008-2017)

BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_SW_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2008-2017)

BCCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry -- (data from Niwot Ridge LTER) -- Green Lakes Valley -- (1985-2011)

BCCZO -- Electrical Conductivity -- GGL_SW_Conductivity, GGU_SW_Conductivity -- Gordon Gulch -- (2011-2014)



METHODS: From 2011 to 2013, Gordon Gulch intermittent spring water samples were analyzed by the Boulder Creek CZO Lab (conductivity, alkalinity, and anions), the Organic Matter Spectroscopy Laboratory (nutrients and organics), the Laboratory for Environmental and Geological Sciences (cations), and the Barnard Ecohydrology Lab (O18 and deuterium).

Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Boulder
czo_id 2785
comments METHODS: From 2011 to 2013, Gordon Gulch intermittent spring water samples were analyzed by the Boulder Creek CZO Lab (conductivity, alkalinity, and anions), the Organic Matter Spectroscopy Laboratory (nutrients and organics), the Laboratory for Environmental and Geological Sciences (cations), and the Barnard Ecohydrology Lab (O18 and deuterium).
keywords Surface water chemistry, intermittent spring water chemistry
subtitle Intermittent Spring Chemistry in Gordon Gulch Group ID: GG_IS_Array
variables Location, Collection Date, Collection Time, Air Temp(C), Cloud Cover(%), Water Temp(C), Wind, (Major Ions and Si)H+(uEQ/L) Ca++(ppm), Ca++(uEQ/L), K+(ppm), K+(uEQ/L), Mg++(ppm), Mg++(uEQ/L), Na+(ppm), Na+(uEQ/L), NH4+(uEQ/L), Cl-(ppm), Cl-(uEQ/L), NO3-(ppm), NO3-(uEQ/L), SO4=(ppm), SO4=(uEQ/L), Si ICP Centrifuge(ppm), Si ICP(ppm), SiO2 Colorimetric(uM/L), SiO2 ICP Centrifuge(ppm), SiO2 ICP(ppm), SUM+, SUM-, Charge Bal, % Diff Charge Bal, ANC(uEQ/L), ANC(mg/L), (Nutrients)DOC mg C/L, IN(umol/L), PN(umol/L), TN(umol/L), DON(umol/L), TDN(umol/L), IP(umol/L), PP(umol/L), TP(umol/L), DOP(umol/L), TDP(umol/L), Phaeophytin(ug/L), (Water Isotopes) D-EXCESS/mill, d18O/mill, d18 1sigma, dD/mill, Tritium(TU), Tritium 1sigma, Lab Conductivity, Field Conductivity
disciplines Water Chemistry
related_datasets 3064, 4165, 3639, 2783, 3065, 2865, 7241

How to Cite

Anderson, S. (2021). BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_IS_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2010-2018), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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