CUAHSI's 2018 Biennial Colloquium

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Created: Aug 20, 2018 at 7:26 p.m.
Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 at 12:54 p.m.
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Every two years, CUAHSI hosts a symposium to bring together the diverse fields of water science to discuss developments in the hydrology sector of the Earth Sciences. Under leadership from the CUAHSI Board of Directors, researchers present their latest findings and developments, propose community workshops, and interact with colleagues from different disciplinary fields from all over the country.

CUAHSI’s Biennial Colloquium offers a unique opportunity and a casual environment for participants to discuss ideas and network with colleagues, as well as build new relationships. Students are especially encouraged to attend and present posters.

CUAHSI's Sixth Biennial Colloquium was held on July 29 - August 1, 2018 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.

Here you'll find presentations on "Hydrologic Connections: Climate, Food, Energy, Environment, and Society."

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Collection Contents

Add Title Type Owners Sharing Status Remove
CUAHSI Tools and Services for Managing Research Data Resource David Tarboton Published
Evaluating Alternative Baseflow Estimation Methods for Improving National Water Model Forecasting Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Ecohydrological connectivity between landscapes and riverscapes Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Dynamic lateral, vertical, and longitudinal hydrologic connectivity drive runoff and carbon export across watershed scales Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Drivers of Dynamic Disconnectivity in Rivers Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Holistic Pathways for Achieving Food Security and Water Sustainability Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Compound and Concurrent Climate Extremes: Detection, Modeling and Risk Analysis Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Tracking Drought Impacts Across Space, Time, Sectors and Scales Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Improving the representation of vegetation-atmosphere interactions through plant-hydrodynamics models Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Plant water use and plant water status during protracted and seasonal droughts: A link between hydrological fluxes and ecological disturbance Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Instrumentation Panel Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Engineering and Policy Decisions at the Energy-Water Nexus Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Development of Innovative Low-cost Hydrometeorological Sensors to Improve Monitoring in Data-sparse Regions Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
A water-centric view of the climate-FEW-society nexus Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Positioning Risk – Climate variability, Nonstationarity and Hydrological Extremes Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
Probabilistic modeling of hurricane surge and rainfall flooding in a changing climate Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable
USACE Incorporation of Climate Change Impacts into Water Resources Analysis & Planning Resource Liz Tran Public & Shareable

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How to Cite

Tran, L. (2018). CUAHSI's 2018 Biennial Colloquium, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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