Harvey Basemap Data Collections

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Created: Nov 02, 2023 at 9:36 p.m.
Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 at 10:23 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.bd65feda6bbf4ff59f6d8f985963d717
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Published
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This collection contains map data often used as base layers for hydrologic and geographic analysis, organized by these categories:
- Addresses and Boundaries (Texas address points, counties, Councils of Government boundaries, Texas Dept of Public Safety districts and regions)
- Hydrology for the Harvey study area across southeast Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas (streams, gages, dams, catchments, watersheds)
- Transportation (Texas roads, railways, bridges, low water crossings)
- Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This is used by the emergency response community to anticipate areas where social support systems are weaker, and residents may be more likely to need help.

These data layers generally date to 2015-2016, so could be considered reasonably representative of the base layers at the time of Hurricane Harvey.

Note on November 2023 updates: due to numerous updates among the resources linked below, this collection has been updated to point to the most recent resources.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
['Decimal degrees']
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude

Collection Contents

Add Title Type Owners Sharing Status Remove
Harvey Basemap - Hydrology Map Data Resource David Arctur Published & Shareable
Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) for CONUS Resource datamgr Irma Published & Shareable
Texas-Harvey Basemap - Addresses and Boundaries Resource David Arctur Published & Shareable
Texas Basemap - Transportation Map Data Resource Harvey datamgr Published & Shareable
Texas Basemap - Lidar Elevation Data (DEM) Resource David Arctur Published & Shareable
Texas Address and Base Layers Story Map Resource David Arctur Published & Shareable
CDC Social Vulnerability Index 2014 Resource David Arctur Published & Shareable

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Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Arctur, D. (2018). Harvey Basemap Data Collections, HydroShare, http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/7661752c688a4f3ebcf58f8657773530
This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Hurricane Harvey 2017 Collection Christine Thies · David Arctur · Harvey datamgr  Published Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation (NSF) RAPID: Archiving and Enabling Community Access to Data from Recent US Hurricanes 1761673

How to Cite

Arctur, D. (2023). Harvey Basemap Data Collections, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.bd65feda6bbf4ff59f6d8f985963d717

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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