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Sensitivity to Stomatal Resistance Parameterization of SUMMA Model in Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East

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Created: Sep 13, 2018 at 4:13 p.m.
Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 at 5:48 a.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.e1a73bc4e7c34166895ff20ae53371f5
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Content types: Model Instance Content 
Sharing Status: Published
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This SUMMA Model instance is a part of the Clark et al., (2015b) study, and explored the impact of different stomatal resistance parameterizations on total evapotranspiration (ET) in the Reynolds Mountain East catchment in southwestern Idaho. This study applied three different stomatal resistance parameterizations: the simple soil resistance method, the Ball Berry method, and the Jarvis method.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East catchment in southwestern Idaho
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


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MIGRATED_FROM Model Instance Resource

Related Resources

This resource has been replaced by a newer version Clark, M., B. Nijssen, J. Lundquist (2019). Sensitivity to Stomatal Resistance Parameterization of SUMMA Model in Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East, HydroShare,
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This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Toward Open and Reproducible Environmental Modeling by Integrating Online Data Repositories, Computational Environments, and Model Application Programming Interfaces Young-Don Choi  Public &  Shareable Open Access
Test Cases of SUMMA modeling that include model instances and Jupyter notebooks for SUMMA 2nd Paper(2015) Ahmed Gharib  Private &  Shareable None

How to Cite

Clark, M., B. Nijssen, J. Lundquist (2019). Sensitivity to Stomatal Resistance Parameterization of SUMMA Model in Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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