James B Shanley
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Sensor time series datasets collected over nine years at a small forested research watershed, W-9, in Vermont, U.S.A. The datasets include (1) a univariate time series of stream stage measured at a 5- minute interval (from which stream discharge is computed), (2) two univariate time series of turbidity and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM), each measured at a 15-minute interval (using optical Turner Designs Cyclops sensors), and (3) a multi-variate time series of stream stage, turbidity, and FDOM together.
The sensors are positioned below the depth of ice formation and are operated year-round. The data estimate stream fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC). Turbidity in the water interferes with light transmission needed for the FDOM measurement, so FDOM values are corrected based on the turbidity values. Fluorescence is temperature sensitive, so FDOM values are also adjusted using concurrent water temperature measurements. The stage time series has 231,465 samples, and the turbidity and FDOM time series have 229,620 samples each.
These datasets are private until publicly released by the USGS, and may be available upon request and approval by the USGS.
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Created: Oct. 27, 2022, 4:38 a.m.
Authors: HAQ, IJAZ UL · Lee, Byung Suk · Shanley, James B
Sensor time series datasets collected over nine years at a small forested research watershed, W-9, in Vermont, U.S.A. The datasets include (1) a univariate time series of stream stage measured at a 5- minute interval (from which stream discharge is computed), (2) two univariate time series of turbidity and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM), each measured at a 15-minute interval (using optical Turner Designs Cyclops sensors), and (3) a multi-variate time series of stream stage, turbidity, and FDOM together.
The sensors are positioned below the depth of ice formation and are operated year-round. The data estimate stream fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC). Turbidity in the water interferes with light transmission needed for the FDOM measurement, so FDOM values are corrected based on the turbidity values. Fluorescence is temperature sensitive, so FDOM values are also adjusted using concurrent water temperature measurements. The stage time series has 231,465 samples, and the turbidity and FDOM time series have 229,620 samples each.
These datasets are private until publicly released by the USGS, and may be available upon request and approval by the USGS.