Jake Douglas
Utah State University
Recent Activity
The purpose of this resource is to assess conditions in the Logan River at the Main Street site to determine if the
environment is suitable for trout. As a fly fisherman, I am seeking this information to determine if this site will hold
fish and to determine if it is ethical to fish here. The variables to be evaluated are pH levels and water temperature.
pH level has great influence in a trout’s life such as playing a significant role in egg development, size and growth,
and whether or not the trout is able to live in a specific environment. pH levels ranging from 7.1 to 9.0 are the best
conditions for trout (Allen). The optimal feeding and movement water temperature for trout is between 6 and 20
degrees Celsius. When the water temperature rises above 20 degrees Celsius trout begin to become stressed and
water temperatures above 24 degrees Celsius for an extended period can be lethal to trout (Rose). In order to
visualize the pH levels and water temperature in the Logan River at Main Street I have created a plot showing these
two variables over the entire year of 2015. The figure created in the Jupyter Notebook enables the viewer to easily visualize the pH level and water temperature in the Logan River at Main Street throughout the entire year of 2015. This figure is important because it shows that the pH level of the water at this site falls within the optimal range for trout environment. It also shows that the water temperature never exceeds 20 degrees Celsius and therefore temperature does not affect a trout’s stress level at this site. The water temperature falls within the optimal range for trout of 6 to 20 degrees Celsius for the majority of the year. The pH levels and water temperature shown by the plot suggest that the Logan River at Main Street is suitable environment for trout. Therefore, this site could potentially be a good spot for fly fishing.
Karst aquifers are important water resources all over the globe. Due to the fractured and dissolved geology in karst aquifers, the exchange between stream and groundwater is difficult to quantify. One method for estimating stream and groundwater exchange is solving a mass balance at the reach scale (Neilson et al. 2018). Primarily, a mass balance requires discharge and concentration data for a conservative constituent such as sodium or chloride. Secondarily, a mass balance requires several assumptions to limit the unknowns. Variations in which concentration data and assumptions are used in the mass balance produce numerous estimations of exchange rates between stream and groundwater for many scenarios. The purpose of this resource was to effectively store exchange rate estimates for various scenarios and provide an accessible interface to analyze the scenario estimates for 26 reaches in Logan Canyon. This resource includes an SQLite database that stores the estimate and scenario data. Then, the database was populated by linking it to the mass balance model. Additionally, GIS was used to obtain geologic layer data, a portion of this data was also added to the database. The Jupyter Notebook included in this resource analyzes the model output and examines the sensitivity of the model to parameters such as assumptions and data input.
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Created: April 4, 2023, 6:28 p.m.
Authors: Hill, Devon Scott · Douglas, Jake · Othman, Jihad
Karst aquifers are important water resources all over the globe. Due to the fractured and dissolved geology in karst aquifers, the exchange between stream and groundwater is difficult to quantify. One method for estimating stream and groundwater exchange is solving a mass balance at the reach scale (Neilson et al. 2018). Primarily, a mass balance requires discharge and concentration data for a conservative constituent such as sodium or chloride. Secondarily, a mass balance requires several assumptions to limit the unknowns. Variations in which concentration data and assumptions are used in the mass balance produce numerous estimations of exchange rates between stream and groundwater for many scenarios. The purpose of this resource was to effectively store exchange rate estimates for various scenarios and provide an accessible interface to analyze the scenario estimates for 26 reaches in Logan Canyon. This resource includes an SQLite database that stores the estimate and scenario data. Then, the database was populated by linking it to the mass balance model. Additionally, GIS was used to obtain geologic layer data, a portion of this data was also added to the database. The Jupyter Notebook included in this resource analyzes the model output and examines the sensitivity of the model to parameters such as assumptions and data input.

Created: April 13, 2023, 6:34 p.m.
Authors: Douglas, Jake
The purpose of this resource is to assess conditions in the Logan River at the Main Street site to determine if the
environment is suitable for trout. As a fly fisherman, I am seeking this information to determine if this site will hold
fish and to determine if it is ethical to fish here. The variables to be evaluated are pH levels and water temperature.
pH level has great influence in a trout’s life such as playing a significant role in egg development, size and growth,
and whether or not the trout is able to live in a specific environment. pH levels ranging from 7.1 to 9.0 are the best
conditions for trout (Allen). The optimal feeding and movement water temperature for trout is between 6 and 20
degrees Celsius. When the water temperature rises above 20 degrees Celsius trout begin to become stressed and
water temperatures above 24 degrees Celsius for an extended period can be lethal to trout (Rose). In order to
visualize the pH levels and water temperature in the Logan River at Main Street I have created a plot showing these
two variables over the entire year of 2015. The figure created in the Jupyter Notebook enables the viewer to easily visualize the pH level and water temperature in the Logan River at Main Street throughout the entire year of 2015. This figure is important because it shows that the pH level of the water at this site falls within the optimal range for trout environment. It also shows that the water temperature never exceeds 20 degrees Celsius and therefore temperature does not affect a trout’s stress level at this site. The water temperature falls within the optimal range for trout of 6 to 20 degrees Celsius for the majority of the year. The pH levels and water temperature shown by the plot suggest that the Logan River at Main Street is suitable environment for trout. Therefore, this site could potentially be a good spot for fly fishing.