David Chandler

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This resource contains daily stage and temperature records from 17 wetlands at St. Lawrence River Valley in northern New York. These records were averaged from hourly HOBO water logger measurements that were taken in October 2014-October 2015. Data consist of groundwater stage (hgw), surface water stage (hsw), groundwater temperature (Tgw), and surface water temperature (Tsw) of each site. The sites are listed in alphabetical order: BAR (column 3-6), BRA (7-10), BUC (11-14), CLA (15-18), CUT (19-22), FIC (23-26), GAR (27-30), HMP (31-34), JEW (35-38), JON (39-42), KOG (43-46), LOB (47-50), MEI (51-54), MON (55-58), SIM (59-62), SMI (63-66), SPE (67-70).

Data format
Column 1: year
Column 2: day of year
Column 3: hgw at BAR (m)
Column 4: hsw at BAR (m)
Column 5: Tgw at BAR (deg C)
Column 6: Tsw at BAR (deg C)
Column 7: hgw at BRA (m)
Column 8: hsw at BRA (m)
Column 9: Tgw at BRA (deg C)
Column 10: Tsw at BRA (deg C) ...

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This resource contains daily stage and temperature records from 17 wetlands at St. Lawrence River Valley in northern New York. These records were averaged from hourly HOBO water logger measurements that were taken in October 2014-October 2015. Data consist of groundwater stage (hgw), surface water stage (hsw), groundwater temperature (Tgw), and surface water temperature (Tsw) of each site. The sites are listed in alphabetical order: BAR (column 3-6), BRA (7-10), BUC (11-14), CLA (15-18), CUT (19-22), FIC (23-26), GAR (27-30), HMP (31-34), JEW (35-38), JON (39-42), KOG (43-46), LOB (47-50), MEI (51-54), MON (55-58), SIM (59-62), SMI (63-66), SPE (67-70).

Data format
Column 1: year
Column 2: day of year
Column 3: hgw at BAR (m)
Column 4: hsw at BAR (m)
Column 5: Tgw at BAR (deg C)
Column 6: Tsw at BAR (deg C)
Column 7: hgw at BRA (m)
Column 8: hsw at BRA (m)
Column 9: Tgw at BRA (deg C)
Column 10: Tsw at BRA (deg C) ...

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