Andrew Dennis

University of Texas at Austin

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High quality range maps with adjoining maps showing anthropogenic effects on habitat for a state threatened species, Cagle’s Map Turtle (Graptemys caglei), and the closely related Texas Map Turtle (Graptemys versa). Spatial analysis determines percent of stream segments in the species’ ranges that are within 100m, 500m, and 1,000m of roadways. Proximity to roadways may cause significant stress for these shy, basking species. Finding segments less effected by automobile disturbance may aid conservation biologists and policy makers in designating protected areas. Additionally, using GIS techniques help address the question "do the two habitats differ significantly in stream segment compositions—both physical and chemical—as well as streamside structure characteristics such as shade and slope?"
[This work is in progress and will be updated as completed]

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High quality range maps with adjoining maps showing anthropogenic effects on habitat for a state threatened species, Cagle’s Map Turtle (Graptemys caglei), and the closely related Texas Map Turtle (Graptemys versa). Spatial analysis determines percent of stream segments in the species’ ranges that are within 100m, 500m, and 1,000m of roadways. Proximity to roadways may cause significant stress for these shy, basking species. Finding segments less effected by automobile disturbance may aid conservation biologists and policy makers in designating protected areas. Additionally, using GIS techniques help address the question "do the two habitats differ significantly in stream segment compositions—both physical and chemical—as well as streamside structure characteristics such as shade and slope?"
[This work is in progress and will be updated as completed]

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