Elisabeta-Cristina Timis

Babes Bolyai University, Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Centre | PhD, Lecturer

Subject Areas: Chemical Engineering, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation, Water quality, Product and Process Development and Optimization

 Recent Activity


These ANN models are instruments capable to forecast flows and concentrations with an anticipation of up to 15h, at resolutions up to an hour, at the downstream end of a river stretch, based on the values measured at the upstream end of the stretch (together with data from tributaries for the concentrations). These instruments are based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and comprises separate prediction modules (1) for flows and (2) for concentrations; and (3) for flows and concentrations. The ANNs have been tested employing field data collected on the river Swale, UK, during 1993 to 2000, in two different type of occasions (a) long term usual water flow monitoring at 15 minutes resolution and (b) intensive monitoring campaigns for water flow and phosphorus species concentrations at up to three hours resolution.

The ANNs development methodology and results are described in the paper:
Horia Hangan, Elisabeta Cristina Timis, Vasile Mircea Cristea, Michael George Hutchins, 2023. Improved artificial neural network models of river stretches extending the forecasting horizon across wide ranges of water flow and phosphorus concentration, submitted to Journal of Hydrology.

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This resource contains the application of ADModel-P to river The Cut, Bracknell, UK. The transport and transformations of Soluble Reactive Phosphorus and Organic Phosphorus in the river are predicted at a time resolution of 1h and a space resolution of 40m along the study area of approximatively 8km. Detailed information on transformations rates and fluxes can be generated using ADModel-P. The model application has been used to generate river development scenarios and conduct an analysis presented in a manuscript submitted to Water Research.

ADModel-P has been first developed for River Swale, England, UK. Further information is available in:
Timis, E.C., Hutchins, M.G., Cristea, V.M., 2022. Advancing understanding of in-river phosphorus dynamics using an advection-dispersion model (ADModel-P). Journal of Hydrology 612, 128173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128173

Data sources
Environmental Agency
Bowes, M.J., Armstrong, L.K., Harman, S.A., Nicholls, D.J.E., Wickham, H.D., Scarlett, P.M., Juergens, M.D., 2020. Weekly water quality data from the River Thames and its major tributaries (2009-2017). NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.5285/cf10ea9a-a249-4074-ac0c-e0c3079e5e45
Miller, J.; Hutchins, M., 2019. Thames catchment hydrometric and water quality data 2013-17. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. (Dataset). https://doi.org/10.5285/793874b5-48b0-4971-8172-1cf97c35230f

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ADModel-P is a detailed advection-dispersion mathematical model for the transport of nutrient species along rivers. The model has been calibrated and verified for a stretch of 54km of River Swale, UK, located between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734). ADModel-P presented here is capable to simulate 2 species of phosphorus at high spatio-temporal resolution. The model accounts on field data (water flow and concentrations) and a detailed representation of phenomena which empowers good prediction efficiency of concentrations. ADModel-P also enables a detailed perspective on the modelling of pollutant transformations in the river stretch. Five classes of transformations are presented for the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and organic phosphorus (OP). ADModel-P enabled generate empirical relations to express the dynamics of the following process rates: mineralization, sedimentation, resuspension, uptake and adsorption /desorption. These relations cater for a wide range of conditions with respect to water flow, temperatures and seasonality, for which the calibration and verification has been done.

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This data includes the concentration of nutrient species employed for the development, calibration and validation of ADModel-P for the River Swale (UK). The data has been extracted from a larger, freely available accredited dataset by Leach et al. (2013).
The investigated area of River Swale is between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734), including three major tributaries (River Wiske, Bedale Beck and Cod Beck) and 15 minor tributaries. Ten intensive monitoring campaigns have been employed. their duration is between 28 hours and 336 hours. The periods of monitoring coresponding to each campaign are: #1 September 1994, #2 February 1995, #3 October 1995, #4 February 1996, #5 April 1996, #6 March 1998, #7 July 1998, #8 October 1998, #9 July 1999 and #10 February 2000. Measurements of SRP, TP, TDP, ammonium and nitrates have been employed for the building of ADModel-P.

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ADModel-P is a detailed advection-dispersion mathematical model for the transport of nutrient species along rivers. The model has been calibrated and verified for a stretch of 54km of River Swale, UK, located between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734). ADModel-P presented here is capable to simulate 2 species of phosphorus at high spatio-temporal resolution. The model accounts on field data (water flow and concentrations) and a detailed representation of phenomena which empowers good prediction efficiency of concentrations. ADModel-P also enables a detailed perspective on the modelling of pollutant transformations in the river stretch. Five classes of transformations are presented for the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and organic phosphorus (OP). ADModel-P enabled generate empirical relations to express the dynamics of the following process rates: mineralization, sedimentation, resuspension, uptake and adsorption /desorption. These relations cater for a wide range of conditions with respect to water flow, temperatures and seasonality, for which the calibration and verification has been done.

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Resource Resource
ADModel for phosphorus compounds
Created: Oct. 29, 2020, 7:54 p.m.
Authors: Timis, Elisabeta Cristina


ADModel-P is a detailed advection-dispersion mathematical model for the transport of nutrient species along rivers. The model has been calibrated and verified for a stretch of 54km of River Swale, UK, located between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734). ADModel-P presented here is capable to simulate 2 species of phosphorus at high spatio-temporal resolution. The model accounts on field data (water flow and concentrations) and a detailed representation of phenomena which empowers good prediction efficiency of concentrations. ADModel-P also enables a detailed perspective on the modelling of pollutant transformations in the river stretch. Five classes of transformations are presented for the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and organic phosphorus (OP). ADModel-P enabled generate empirical relations to express the dynamics of the following process rates: mineralization, sedimentation, resuspension, uptake and adsorption /desorption. These relations cater for a wide range of conditions with respect to water flow, temperatures and seasonality, for which the calibration and verification has been done.

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Resource Resource
Field data for the development of ADModel
Created: Oct. 30, 2020, 10:50 a.m.
Authors: Hutchins, Michael George · Timis, Elisabeta-Cristina Ani


This data includes the concentration of nutrient species employed for the development, calibration and validation of ADModel-P for the River Swale (UK). The data has been extracted from a larger, freely available accredited dataset by Leach et al. (2013).
The investigated area of River Swale is between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734), including three major tributaries (River Wiske, Bedale Beck and Cod Beck) and 15 minor tributaries. Ten intensive monitoring campaigns have been employed. their duration is between 28 hours and 336 hours. The periods of monitoring coresponding to each campaign are: #1 September 1994, #2 February 1995, #3 October 1995, #4 February 1996, #5 April 1996, #6 March 1998, #7 July 1998, #8 October 1998, #9 July 1999 and #10 February 2000. Measurements of SRP, TP, TDP, ammonium and nitrates have been employed for the building of ADModel-P.

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Resource Resource
ADModel for phosphorus compounds (ADModel-P)
Created: Sept. 30, 2021, 1:23 p.m.
Authors: Timis, Elisabeta Cristina


ADModel-P is a detailed advection-dispersion mathematical model for the transport of nutrient species along rivers. The model has been calibrated and verified for a stretch of 54km of River Swale, UK, located between Catterick (National Grid Reference, NGR, SE225994508) and Crakehill (NGR SE426734). ADModel-P presented here is capable to simulate 2 species of phosphorus at high spatio-temporal resolution. The model accounts on field data (water flow and concentrations) and a detailed representation of phenomena which empowers good prediction efficiency of concentrations. ADModel-P also enables a detailed perspective on the modelling of pollutant transformations in the river stretch. Five classes of transformations are presented for the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and organic phosphorus (OP). ADModel-P enabled generate empirical relations to express the dynamics of the following process rates: mineralization, sedimentation, resuspension, uptake and adsorption /desorption. These relations cater for a wide range of conditions with respect to water flow, temperatures and seasonality, for which the calibration and verification has been done.

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Resource Resource
ADModel-P application to The Cut, Bracknell, UK
Created: March 13, 2023, 7:18 p.m.
Authors: Mihaela Borota · Timis, Elisabeta-Cristina


This resource contains the application of ADModel-P to river The Cut, Bracknell, UK. The transport and transformations of Soluble Reactive Phosphorus and Organic Phosphorus in the river are predicted at a time resolution of 1h and a space resolution of 40m along the study area of approximatively 8km. Detailed information on transformations rates and fluxes can be generated using ADModel-P. The model application has been used to generate river development scenarios and conduct an analysis presented in a manuscript submitted to Water Research.

ADModel-P has been first developed for River Swale, England, UK. Further information is available in:
Timis, E.C., Hutchins, M.G., Cristea, V.M., 2022. Advancing understanding of in-river phosphorus dynamics using an advection-dispersion model (ADModel-P). Journal of Hydrology 612, 128173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128173

Data sources
Environmental Agency
Bowes, M.J., Armstrong, L.K., Harman, S.A., Nicholls, D.J.E., Wickham, H.D., Scarlett, P.M., Juergens, M.D., 2020. Weekly water quality data from the River Thames and its major tributaries (2009-2017). NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.5285/cf10ea9a-a249-4074-ac0c-e0c3079e5e45
Miller, J.; Hutchins, M., 2019. Thames catchment hydrometric and water quality data 2013-17. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. (Dataset). https://doi.org/10.5285/793874b5-48b0-4971-8172-1cf97c35230f

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Resource Resource
ANNs to forecast waterflow, soluble reactive phosphorus and total phosphorus at the lower end of a river stretch
Created: July 19, 2023, 4:13 p.m.
Authors: Horia Hangan · Timis, Elisabeta-Cristina · Vasile Mircea Cristea · Michael George Hutchins


These ANN models are instruments capable to forecast flows and concentrations with an anticipation of up to 15h, at resolutions up to an hour, at the downstream end of a river stretch, based on the values measured at the upstream end of the stretch (together with data from tributaries for the concentrations). These instruments are based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and comprises separate prediction modules (1) for flows and (2) for concentrations; and (3) for flows and concentrations. The ANNs have been tested employing field data collected on the river Swale, UK, during 1993 to 2000, in two different type of occasions (a) long term usual water flow monitoring at 15 minutes resolution and (b) intensive monitoring campaigns for water flow and phosphorus species concentrations at up to three hours resolution.

The ANNs development methodology and results are described in the paper:
Horia Hangan, Elisabeta Cristina Timis, Vasile Mircea Cristea, Michael George Hutchins, 2023. Improved artificial neural network models of river stretches extending the forecasting horizon across wide ranges of water flow and phosphorus concentration, submitted to Journal of Hydrology.

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