Christine Pomeroy
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The data shows Net Nitrogen Mineralization occurring in GIRF bioretention from August 2013 to October 30, 2014. Net nitrogen mineralization is calculated as the difference in inorganic N content (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N) between incubated (soil samples inside PVC pipes) soil samples and non-incubated soil samples every two weeks. Hach kits (TNT 835 Low Range (accurate between 0.23-13.5 mg/L), TNT 839 Low Range (accurate between 0.015-0.6 mg/L), and TNT 830 Ultra Low Range (accurate between 0.015-2 mg/L)) were used for measuring inorganic content in the soil. TN was measured using HachTM persulfate digestion method 10208 (accurate between 1 mg/l-16 mg/l) every two weeks. Then, N concentration in all samples was quantified using a Hach 6500 spectrometer (HachTM Company, Loveland, CO).
This dataset contains Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous in influent and effluent water samples from GIRF bioretention. Synthetic storms were run in each bioretention (Houdeshel et al.,2013) which represents storms in Salt Lake City. When synthetic storms were run in bioretention every month, water effluent from the bioretention passed through tipping buckets and autosamplers. Composite water samples from autosampler were collected using 10mL vials, and water samples were analyzed in the laboratory for TP, and TN using Astoria Pacific Autoanalyzer. “in” in dataset represents synthetic storm coming from synthetic storm tank to bioretention and “out” represents effluent coming out of each bioretention cell.
Details on GIRF bioretention and schematic is attached.
Houdeshel, C. Dasch, Christine A. Pomeroy, and Kevin R. Hultine. 2012. “Bioretention Design for Xeric Climates Based on Ecological Principles 1.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48(6)
The dataset contains isotopic carbon, nitrogen, %C and %N in plants in GIRF bioretention. Plants in bioretention systems were harvested in May 2015 and analyzed by Oct 2015. % C and % N were analyzed in root and shoot samples. Upland contains native Utah’s vegetation, and wetland systems have wetland vegetation dominant in wetland systems. To determine C and N in plant biomass, each plant was divided into roots and shoots and dried in an oven to the constant mass at 40oC for 48 hours. CN samples were run on Thermo-Electron Delta IRMS configured through Thermo/Finnigan CONFLO III. d15N & d13C was analyzed using a Carlo Erba NC2100 elemental analyzer. Wetland 7 and Upland 8 does not have root data as the plants in these bioretention units were not harvested.
The dataset contains different types of bacteria and fungi present in soils of GIRF bioretention. Two sets of samples were taken for the study. We took first set of samples in Oct 2013, and the second set of samples in May 2015. Phospholipid Fatty Acid (PLFA) reflects the occurrence of mainly living organisms or recently dead organisms. Neutral Lipid Fatty Acid(NLFA) indicates the energy stored. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was performed using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with an Agilent 5975C series mass selective detector. All units are in nmol/gm of soil.
Soil pH was measured on a 1:5 (v/v) soil water suspension with a digital pH meter (Mettler Toledo FG-2 FiveGo Portable pH Meter). The dataset contains soil pH over a three years period from August 30, 2013, to December 6, 2015. We decommissioned three older treatments and three newer (upland, control, and wetland- 1-6) in May 2015. Therefore, we only have data from three bioretention cells from May onwards.
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The dataset contains soil moisture data in three GIRF bioretention cells at different depths (10cm, 20cm, and 50cm). Soil moisture was measured using CS616-L soil moisture sensors (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT). The data loggers were placed at the center of each bioretention at 10 cm, 20 cm, and 50 cm depth in upland and control cells. In the wetland, the data loggers were placed at 25cm and 50cm. Data was collected every 15 minutes and were averaged over a day. Data were recorded from Jan 2012 to May 2015. The unit is in percentage.
Details on GIRF bioretention and schematic is attached.

Created: Aug. 6, 2016, 12:16 a.m.
Authors: Pratibha Sapkota
This dataset contains Total Nitrogen and Total Carbon in nine bioretention cells over a period of three years. Composite soil samples from each garden were collected once every year in October.
Total Nitrogen/Carbon was determined by the combustion method based on Dumas method(1). The instrument used for analyzing is Elementar Vario Max Cube.
Units are in percentage which is the percent of the total mass.
Details on GIRF bioretention and schematic is attached.
1. Total Nitrogen and Carbon by Combustion In Soil, Plant and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region (WREP 25). 2005. 3rd Edition. R. Gavlak, D. Horneck, R. O. Miller. pp. 116-117.

Soil pH was measured on a 1:5 (v/v) soil water suspension with a digital pH meter (Mettler Toledo FG-2 FiveGo Portable pH Meter). The dataset contains soil pH over a three years period from August 30, 2013, to December 6, 2015. We decommissioned three older treatments and three newer (upland, control, and wetland- 1-6) in May 2015. Therefore, we only have data from three bioretention cells from May onwards.

Created: Aug. 6, 2016, 12:33 a.m.
Authors: Pratibha Sapkota
The dataset contains different types of bacteria and fungi present in soils of GIRF bioretention. Two sets of samples were taken for the study. We took first set of samples in Oct 2013, and the second set of samples in May 2015. Phospholipid Fatty Acid (PLFA) reflects the occurrence of mainly living organisms or recently dead organisms. Neutral Lipid Fatty Acid(NLFA) indicates the energy stored. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was performed using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with an Agilent 5975C series mass selective detector. All units are in nmol/gm of soil.

Created: Aug. 6, 2016, 12:40 a.m.
Authors: Pratibha Sapkota
The dataset contains isotopic carbon, nitrogen, %C and %N in plants in GIRF bioretention. Plants in bioretention systems were harvested in May 2015 and analyzed by Oct 2015. % C and % N were analyzed in root and shoot samples. Upland contains native Utah’s vegetation, and wetland systems have wetland vegetation dominant in wetland systems. To determine C and N in plant biomass, each plant was divided into roots and shoots and dried in an oven to the constant mass at 40oC for 48 hours. CN samples were run on Thermo-Electron Delta IRMS configured through Thermo/Finnigan CONFLO III. d15N & d13C was analyzed using a Carlo Erba NC2100 elemental analyzer. Wetland 7 and Upland 8 does not have root data as the plants in these bioretention units were not harvested.

Created: Aug. 6, 2016, 12:52 a.m.
Authors: Pratibha Sapkota
This dataset contains Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous in influent and effluent water samples from GIRF bioretention. Synthetic storms were run in each bioretention (Houdeshel et al.,2013) which represents storms in Salt Lake City. When synthetic storms were run in bioretention every month, water effluent from the bioretention passed through tipping buckets and autosamplers. Composite water samples from autosampler were collected using 10mL vials, and water samples were analyzed in the laboratory for TP, and TN using Astoria Pacific Autoanalyzer. “in” in dataset represents synthetic storm coming from synthetic storm tank to bioretention and “out” represents effluent coming out of each bioretention cell.
Details on GIRF bioretention and schematic is attached.
Houdeshel, C. Dasch, Christine A. Pomeroy, and Kevin R. Hultine. 2012. “Bioretention Design for Xeric Climates Based on Ecological Principles 1.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48(6)

The data shows Net Nitrogen Mineralization occurring in GIRF bioretention from August 2013 to October 30, 2014. Net nitrogen mineralization is calculated as the difference in inorganic N content (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N) between incubated (soil samples inside PVC pipes) soil samples and non-incubated soil samples every two weeks. Hach kits (TNT 835 Low Range (accurate between 0.23-13.5 mg/L), TNT 839 Low Range (accurate between 0.015-0.6 mg/L), and TNT 830 Ultra Low Range (accurate between 0.015-2 mg/L)) were used for measuring inorganic content in the soil. TN was measured using HachTM persulfate digestion method 10208 (accurate between 1 mg/l-16 mg/l) every two weeks. Then, N concentration in all samples was quantified using a Hach 6500 spectrometer (HachTM Company, Loveland, CO).