Dan Ames

Brigham Young University | Professor

Subject Areas: Hydrology, Hydroinformatics, GIS, Water Resources, Modelling, Big Data

 Recent Activity


This is a curated and managed collection of resources of particular interest or importance to CIROH, NOAA, and/or the U.S. National Weather Service. The resources listed in this collection are scanned and made available for rapid discovery through the CIROH Science Portal at https://portal.ciroh.org/.

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The processes involved in bed-load sediment transport are complex and challenging to quantify. Field measurements provide insight and a chance to improve predictive methods. A comprehensive database contains more than 15,000 observations from nearly 500 bed-load sediment transport data sets. The database includes sample descriptions, discharge and transport data, channel and bankfull characteristics, surface and subsurface grain size distributions, and, where possible, stream classification descriptors. The database is freely available to the public. This database aims to provide useful data to researchers studying bed-load transport processes.

This dataset is an updated and improved version of the original. The original version, cited in the paper https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001221, was hosted at a byu.edu server that is no longer accessible. This version includes updates and improvements to the original, provided by Sagy Cohen. Also included in this resource is an XML file of the site locations and a subset of the data for only major rivers.

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This is a web app connector that demonstrates connecting to a simple web page that displays WMS layers in a Leaflet widget.

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This is a test resource for demonstrating web mapping services in HydroShare

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This is an example resource with shapefiles for groundwater basins in Jordan.

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App Connector 0
Resource Resource
This is a test Generic Resource
Created: June 10, 2015, 8:02 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames



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Resource Resource
Tellico South Lake Contours
Created: Dec. 14, 2015, 5:35 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This is a shapefile of contours of a lake.

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App Connector App Connector
HydroShare GIS
Created: April 8, 2016, 8:22 p.m.
Authors: Shawn Crawley


This web app allows the user to view Raster and Geographic Feature Resources from HydroShare in a customizable way. It is powered by the Tethys Platform (see http://www.tethysplatform.org/).

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App Connector App Connector
Data Series Viewer
Created: April 29, 2016, 3:27 p.m.
Authors: Matthew Bayles


This is a web app resource for viewing resources containing time series.

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Resource Resource


This is a PowerPoint presentation for the 2016 CUAHSI Biennial meeting workshop on app development. There are also two Word docs that are tutorials for using apps and building your first app.

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Resource Resource
Demo Utah Mashup Map
Created: July 27, 2016, 3:37 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This resource contains a HydroShare Map Project file created using the HydroShare GIS web app. The Map Project file is in JSON format and contains data regarding the state of the project upon creating this resource.

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Resource Resource
Algae Growth in Utah Lake Time-lapse
Created: Aug. 17, 2016, 3:45 a.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This video shows the growth of toxic algae in Utah Lake. Video courtesy of Utah Water Ski Club. Retrieved from YouTube user, "The Salt Lake Tribune" on August 15, 2016. Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMzfRcqEE7Y.

This video is referenced by the HydroLearn Learning Module about HydroShare. You can find the free HydroLearn module here: https://edx.hydrolearn.org/courses/course-v1:BYU+HS101+2021/about

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App Connector App Connector
National Water Model Data Explorer
Created: Sept. 29, 2016, 5:56 p.m.
Authors: Shawn Crawley


This app was created using Tethys Platform and is used to browse all of the current (past 30 days) National Water Model data.

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Resource Resource
NWM Shortrange Test 2
Created: Nov. 4, 2016, 5:46 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames



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App Connector App Connector
Trophic State HydroServer
Created: Nov. 29, 2016, 9:53 p.m.
Authors: Ashley Hunt


The link to Dr. Miller's BYU WorldWater research database.

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Resource Resource
TwoMileCreek watershed at Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Created: April 12, 2017, 6:03 p.m.
Authors: Zhiyu (Drew) Li


TwoMileCreek watershed at Tuscaloosa, Alabama

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Resource Resource
Thunder Creek Watershed Boundary
Created: July 25, 2017, 9:07 p.m.
Authors: Christina Bandaragoda


Thunder Creek, Skagit River Basin, State of Washington, USA.

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Resource Resource
Watershed at Hobble Creek, Mapleton, UT 84664, USA
Created: July 27, 2017, 1:30 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This resource contains automatically created KML files representing a watershed boundary and stream network delineated by the EPA Waters Services using the Tethys EPA Waters Services web app. National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) stream outlet details:Feature Name = Hobble Creek, Reach Code = 16020202000124, Measure = 78.78, HUC 12 = 160202020405. Delineation Results: Watershed Area = 524.249 sq-km. Stream Segments = 178.

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Resource Resource
Official List of Approved Apps
Created: Sept. 6, 2017, 7:33 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This is the official list of approved apps. There is a CSV file in this reource that is just a list of resource ID's that are the official approved resources.

These resources will appear on the official approved resources landing page and in the Open With button for everyone.

Keep this resource private

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Resource Resource
MODIS Snow coverage at -115.153515, 54.553251
Created: Oct. 2, 2017, 7:12 p.m.
Authors: Dan Ames


This resource contains an automatically created WaterML representing a time series of fractional snow cover from the MODIS TERRA MOD10_L3 data set at lat: 54.553251, lon: -115.153515 in the time period: 2016-12-06 - 2017-10-02. It was retrieved from the NASA GIBS web service and processed using the MODIS Snow Inspector application.

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Resource Resource
Created: Jan. 31, 2018, 4:05 p.m.
Authors: Lewis A. Rossman ·


EPANET is a computer program that performs extended period simulation of hydraulic and water quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks. A network consists of pipes, nodes (pipe junctions), pumps, valves and storage tanks or reservoirs. EPANET tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each tank, and the concentration of a chemical species throughout the network during a simulation period comprised of multiple time steps. In addition to chemical species, water age and source tracing can also be simulated.

EPANET is designed to be a research tool for improving our understanding of the movement and fate of drinking water constituents within distribution systems. It can be used for many different kinds of applications in distribution systems analysis. Sampling program design, hydraulic model calibration, chlorine residual analysis, and consumer exposure assessment are some examples. EPANET can help assess alternative management strategies for improving water quality throughout a system.

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Resource Resource
EPANET sample model Net1
Created: Jan. 31, 2018, 4:27 p.m.
Authors: Elad Salmons


This is a sample EPANET model obtained at https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET.

{%EPANET Model Repository%}

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Resource Resource
EPANET sample model Net2
Created: Jan. 31, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Authors: Elad Salmons


This is a sample EPANET model obtained at https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET.

{%EPANET Model Repository%}

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Resource Resource
EPANET sample model Net3
Created: Jan. 31, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
Authors: Elad Salmons


This is a sample EPANET model obtained at https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET.

{%EPANET Model Repository%}

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Resource Resource
EPANET sample model tutorial
Created: Jan. 31, 2018, 4:36 p.m.
Authors: Tylor Bayer


This is a sample EPANET Model Instance. The model was created following the "Quick Start Tutorial" in the EPANET 2 User's Manual.

{%EPANET Model Repository%}

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Resource Resource


From the dawn of the internet, water resources data scientists and engineers have continually and boldly engaged with the challenge of developing and deploying interactive water data visualization and analysis web sites. This challenge is characterized by ever-changing internet technologies, new and endlessly varying programming languages and libraries, rapidly growing datasets, and increasingly complex analytical and modeling techniques. Indeed, the ideal water web site is always just out of reach because of these always changing tools and growing needs. It is likely that such challenges will exist for many future generations of hydroinformaticists. However, we reason that it ought to be possible to at least reduce the gap between what we can readily accomplish with existing tools and technologies and what our ideal might be. Towards this end, the Tethys Platform for water resources web apps has been developed. This platform combines a number of key visualization and data management technologies within a Django-based Python programming environment that simplifies deploying GIS-enabled water resources web apps. The system provides developers and users with an app portal, not entirely unlike the app paradigm that is common on tablets and mobile phones, where each app is developed, tested, deployed, and operated independently of other apps in the same portal. The app development framework includes OpenLayers map visualization, 52North geoprocessing capabilities, PostgreSQL database access, and a number of so-called "gizmos" that simplify user interface development. This presentation will give an architectural overview of the free and open source Tethys Platform and will illustrate the capabilities of the framework using several apps developed using the recently released Tethys version 2.0.

Presentation at 2018 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources X, Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, http://awra.org/meetings/Orlando2018/

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Resource Resource


In view of the ubiquitous mobile-app concept that has taken hold over the past decade, whereby distinct, single purpose, modular applications are developed and deployed in a shared user interface (i.e. the phone in your pocket), we have created open source cyberinfrastructure that mimics this paradigm for developing and deploying environmental web applications using open source tools and cloud computing services. This cyberinfrastructure integrates HydroShare for cloud-based data storage and app cataloging, together with Tethys Platform for Python/Django based app development. HydroShare is an open source web-based data management system for climate and water data that is includes a web-services application programmer interface (API) to allow third party programmers to access and use its data resources. We have created a metadata management structure within HydroShare for cataloging, discovering, and sharing web apps. Tethys Platform is an open source software package based on the Django framework, Python programming language, Geoserver, PostgreSQL, OpenLayers and other open source technologies. The Tethys software development kit allows users to create web apps that are presented in a common portal for visualizing, analyzing and modelling environmental data. We will introduce this new cyberinfrastructure through a combination of architecture design and demonstration, and will provide attendees the essential concepts for building their own web apps using these tools.

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Resource Resource


Environmental Modelling & Software (EMS) is a highly ranked (IF: 4.177) Elsevier scientific journal that publishes contributions, in the form of research articles, reviews and short communications, on recent advances in environmental modelling and/or software. The aim is to improve our capacity to represent, understand, predict or manage the behavior of environmental systems at all practical scales. The topical scope of EMS is intentionally broad, which has the effect of attracting many hundreds of submissions per year. However, a large portion of these submissions do not fit within the journal scope in terms of the type and quality of contribution. Indeed, EMS has become noted as one of the top “methods” journals in the environmental science field. As such the editorial board is seeking submissions that provide strong methodological advances in both modelling and software. In this presentation, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Dan Ames will discuss the scope of the journal and will share the 5 most common reasons why research articles are rejected from EMS. Many of these concepts are applicable to other scientific journals and can be used to help authors improve their publication success rate in generally – as well as in EMS specifically. This presentation was delivered in Nanjing, China on September 20, 2018.

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Resource Resource


Welcome to the age of the Water Data Deluge – certainly the most amazing period in human history to be a water resources scientist or environmental engineer! It is a peculiar and amazing time characterized by the creation, on a daily basis, of massive quantities of data and information that dwarf the world’s complete water data catalog of only a decade or two earlier. It is a time when an individual scientist with the most basic and inexpensive hardware and software can build a data collection network that can generate a veritable flood of information about the environment. So, what do we do with all of this data? How do we store, retrieve, visualize, document, cite, and make sense of environmental observations that quickly grow from the hundreds of thousands of values to the millions of values? What do we do when these counts escalate into to the billions or trillions of observations? Certainly a new generation of cyberinfrastructure is needed to help manage and interpret such data. In the United States, the National Science Foundation has funded a series of projects and programs centered on improved scientific cyberinfrastructure with the goal of creating a large ecosystem of tools and technologies that can help address these problems. This presentation will examine two such projects presently underway at Brigham Young University, including HydroShare: a system for community collaboration and data sharing in the cloud; and Tethys Platform: open source tools for rapid development and deployment of water and environmental web apps.

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Resource Resource


This resource contains automatically created KML files representing a watershed boundary and stream network delineated by the EPA Waters Services using the Tethys EPA Waters Services web app. National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) stream outlet details:Feature Name = Hobble Creek, Reach Code = 16020202000124, Measure = 80.94, HUC 12 = 160202020405. Delineation Results: Watershed Area = 524.257 sq-km. Stream Segments = 178.

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App Connector App Connector
CUAHSI HydroClient
Created: Aug. 1, 2019, 2:53 p.m.


The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is an internet-based system for sharing hydrologic data. It is comprised of databases and servers, connected through web services, to client applications, allowing for the publication, discovery and access of data.

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Resource Resource


Lightning presentation and workshop presented at CUAHSI HydroInformatics Conference, 2019. https://www.cuahsi.org/community/cuahsi-science-meetings/

This workshop is offered for hydrology faculty interested in implementing or adapting active-learning, data-driven resources to their educational settings. The workshop aspires to create faculty networking and development opportunities with the overall goal of promoting and reducing barriers against adoption of active-learning resources in hydrology. The workshop will use the recently developed NSF-sponsored HydroLearn platform, along with resources from CUAHSI, HydroShare and other community platforms, to enable participating faculty to develop and share educational resources. The workshop will showcase existing seed modules and will cover best practices in developing student-centered learning activities, including the design of pedagogically-sound learning objectives and assessment rubrics. Faculty who currently teach hydrology-related courses are encouraged to participate, especially those who teach undergraduate or early-level graduate courses. Interested faculty may also be invited to participate in a follow-up funded fellowship program to engage in a semester-long adoption and field testing of the HydroLearn platform and its content. The workshop will be jointly conducted by hydrology faculty along with an expert in education research.

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Resource Resource
Test Data Set for BYU CEEN 514
Created: Feb. 20, 2020, 9:32 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan · Amalaraj, Abhishek


This is a dataset from CEEn 414 in 2001.

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Resource Resource
HydroLearn Geomatics Course Data
Created: May 15, 2020, 12:35 a.m.
Authors: Neeley, Olivia · Ames, Dan


This is a folder for storing the data used for the lab exercises in the geomatics courses on HydroLearn.org. These courses are based off of the Brigham Young University Geomatics class, CEEn 214, taught by Dan Ames, PhD. They are modified to more effectively fit the online formatting, while conveying the same information.

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Collection Collection
Derived Hydrography of World Regions
Created: June 29, 2020, 5:09 p.m.
Authors: · ,


This resource includes three hydrographic geospatial datasets for 13 world regions including: Rivers, Watersheds, and Basin area. These datasets were developed at Brigham Young University by using standard terrain analysis tool in ArcGIS to extract features from digital elevation model data provided by Esri. The datasets were created for the purpose of supporting GEOGLOWS (http://www.geoglows.org) forecasting using ECMWF (https://www.ecmwf.int) ensemble weather/hydrologic model and the RAPID river routing model (http://rapid-hub.org). These datasets are provided free of charge for use for any purpose. If you use these data, please reference this HydroShare resource using the information provided in "How to Cite" at the bottom of this HydroShare landing page.

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Resource Resource
Test Resource for OGC Web Services
Created: Aug. 6, 2020, 8:45 p.m.
Authors: Calhoon, Jacob Wise


This resource contains the test data for the GeoServer OGC Web Services tutorials for various GIS applications including ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcGIS Story Maps, and QGIS. The contents of the data include a polygon shapefile, a polyline shapefile, a point shapefile, and a raster dataset; all of which pertain to the state of Utah, USA. The polygon shapefile is of every county in the state of Utah. The polyline is of every trail in the state of Utah. The point shapefile is the current list of GNIS place names in the state of Utah. The raster dataset covers a region in the center of the state of Utah. All datasets are projected to NAD 1983 Zone 12N.

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App Connector App Connector
HydroLearn.org Web Application
Created: Aug. 12, 2020, 5:02 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan · Habib, Emad · Tarboton, David


HydroLearn is an education project funded by the National Science Foundation to promote the collaborative development and adoption of active-learning resources in hydrology and water resources engineering. Using the HydroLearn platform, instructors can: Explore existing courses, case studies, and learning activities and use in classrooms, Customize existing courses and learning activities, or build new ones, Share back learning resources for instructors to use, Get guidance on how to develop effective learning outcomes and assessment rubrics. HydroLearn is freely accessible to everyone, but primarily designed for instructors and students including instructors who want to develop, customize and share innovative learning resources in hydrology and water resources and students who want to learn about fundamental and emerging topics in hydrology and water resources engineering using active learning approaches. HydroLearn aims to create a community of users who are interested in adopting innovative active-learning resources in hydrology and water resources engineering. By providing educators with a mechanism for contribution, customization and sharing of educational content, HydroLearn aspires to alleviate existing development and adoption barriers to encourage educators to engage in active-learning innovations. HydroLearn also aims to propagate good pedagogical practices by providing instructors with support on how to develop sound and effective learning activities, learning outcomes and assessment rubrics.

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Resource Resource
Utah County Boundaries - iEMSs Demo
Created: Sept. 17, 2020, 4:34 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This dataset reflects the most current GCDB version of Utah county boundaries plus modifications made to correct known issues along the Davis-Weber and Duchesne-Uintah county boundaries. (20111108) and boundary agreement (certified 20120612) between Juab and Millard Counties.

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Resource Resource
Utah County Data
Created: Oct. 1, 2020, 7:26 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This dataset reflects the most current GCDB version of Utah county boundaries plus modifications made to correct known issues along the Davis-Weber and Duchesne-Uintah county boundaries. (20111108) and boundary agreement (certified 20120612) between Juab and Millard Counties.

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Collection Collection
CUAHSI HydroShare GeoServer Tutorials Folder
Created: Oct. 6, 2020, 6:43 p.m.
Authors: Calhoon, Jacob Wise


This is a collection of resources that exist to test the capabilities of Hydroshare's GeoServer service.

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Resource Resource
Test Resource for OGC Web Services 2
Created: Dec. 3, 2020, 7:31 p.m.
Authors: Calhoon, Jacob Wise


This resource contains the test data for the GeoServer OGC Web Services IpyLeaflet tutorial. The contents of the data include a polygon shapefile, a polyline shapefile, a point shapefile, and a raster dataset; all of which pertain to the state of Utah, USA. The polygon shapefile is of Utah county in the state of Utah. The polyline is of every major stream within Utah County. The point shapefile is the current list of summit GNIS place names within Utah County. The raster dataset covers a region in the center of the state of Utah. All datasets are projected to NAD 1983 Zone 12N.

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Resource Resource
GeoServer Tutorials
Created: Dec. 18, 2020, 12:06 a.m.
Authors: Calhoon, Jacob Wise


This resources contains PDF files and Python notebook files that demonstrate how to create geospatial resources in HydroShare and how to use these resources through web services provided by the built-in HydroShare GeoServer instance. Geospatial resources can be consumed directly into ArcMap, ArcGIS, Story Maps, Quantum GIS (QGIS), Leaflet, and many other mapping environments. This provides HydroShare users with the ability to store data and retrieve it via services without needing to set up new data services. All tutorials cover how to add WMS and WFS connections. WCS connections are available for QGIS and are covered in the QGIS tutorial. The tutorials and examples provided here are intended to get the novice user up-to-speed with WMS and GeoServer, though we encourage users to read further on these topic using internet searches and other resources. Also included in this resource is a tutorial designed to that walk users through the process of creating a GeoServer connected resource.

The current list of available tutorials:
- Creating a Resource
- ArcGIS Pro
- ArcMap
- ArcGIS Story Maps
- IpyLeaflet
- Folium

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Resource Resource
Paonia Reservoir_ Modeling
Created: Feb. 26, 2021, 2:57 a.m.
Authors: Anari, Razieh


This Resource contains input data required to build a numerical model for Paonia Reservoir, Colorado, USA.
The provided data includes:
- Upstream discharges since 1962
- Sediment rating curve
- Geospatial files (Paonia basin, streams and gages shapefiles, GeoTIFF elevation)
The author is working on using the SRH-1D model to simulate the reservoir operation. The outputs will be posted.
This resource contains an API Python file.

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Resource Resource


This is the updated Abstact. Watermasks were created for Chazuta, Peru using SAR imagery. VV+VH polarizations were used to get the layer and other source code provided by the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) group. Agriculture data was retrieved from croplands.org and other data was found at openstreetmaps.org

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Resource Resource
La Hispaniola Test
Created: Feb. 26, 2021, 7:26 p.m.
Authors: Romero, Elkin


Contains the Castanuelas station discharge data as a excel file from Dominican Republic,and it also contains a nice picture from the Bolivian Carnival. It also containsboundaries shapefiles for the different boundaries of the Dominican Republic,a DEM, and the stream network of the country with its major roads. In addition, it also contains the Boudnary of Haiti in order to separate the two boudnaries in the island

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Collection Collection
Derived Hydrography of World Regions
Created: May 7, 2021, 7:24 p.m.
Authors: , · · Ames, Dan · Ashby, Kyler


This resource includes three hydrographic geospatial datasets for 13 world regions including: Rivers, Watersheds, and Basin area. These datasets were developed at Brigham Young University by using standard terrain analysis tool in ArcGIS to extract features from digital elevation model data provided by Esri. The datasets were created for the purpose of supporting GEOGLOWS (http://www.geoglows.org) forecasting using ECMWF (https://www.ecmwf.int) ensemble weather/hydrologic model and the RAPID river routing model (http://rapid-hub.org). These datasets are provided free of charge for use for any purpose. If you use these data, please reference this HydroShare resource using the information provided in "How to Cite" at the bottom of this HydroShare landing page.

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Collection Collection
Derived Hydrography of World Regions
Created: May 7, 2021, 7:27 p.m.
Authors: Ashby, Kyler · Nelson, Jim · Ames, Dan


This resource includes three hydrographic geospatial datasets for 13 world regions including: Rivers, Watersheds, and Basin area. These datasets were developed at Brigham Young University by using standard terrain analysis tool in ArcGIS to extract features from digital elevation model data provided by Esri. The datasets were created for the purpose of supporting GEOGLOWS (http://www.geoglows.org) forecasting using ECMWF (https://www.ecmwf.int) ensemble weather/hydrologic model and the RAPID river routing model (http://rapid-hub.org). These datasets are provided free of charge for use for any purpose. If you use these data, please reference this HydroShare resource using the information provided in "How to Cite" at the bottom of this HydroShare landing page.

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Resource Resource
National Water Model HydroLearn Python Notebooks
Created: May 26, 2021, 9:01 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan · Hunter, Justin


This resource contains Jupyter Python notebooks which are intended to be used to learn about the U.S. National Water Model (NWM). These notebooks explore NWM forecasts in various ways. NWM Notebooks 1, 2, and 3, access NWM forecasts directly from the NOAA NOMADS file sharing system. Notebook 4 accesses NWM forecasts from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) storage in addition to NOMADS. A brief summary of what each notebook does is included below:

Notebook 1 (NWM1_Visualization) focuses on visualization. It includes functions for downloading and extracting time series forecasts for any of the 2.7 million stream reaches of the U.S. NWM. It also demonstrates ways to visualize forecasts using Python packages like matplotlib.

Notebook 2 (NWM2_Xarray) explores methods for slicing and dicing NWM NetCDF files using the python library, XArray.

Notebook 3 (NWM3_Subsetting) is focused on subsetting NWM forecasts and NetCDF files for specified reaches and exporting NWM forecast data to CSV files.

Notebook 4 (NWM4_Hydrotools) uses Hydrotools, a new suite of tools for evaluating NWM data, to retrieve NWM forecasts both from NOMADS and from Google Cloud Platform storage where older NWM forecasts are cached. This notebook also briefly covers visualizing, subsetting, and exporting forecasts retrieved with Hydrotools.

**NOTE: Notebook 4 Requires a newer version of NumPy that is not available on the default CUAHSI JupyterHub instance. Please use the instance "HydroLearn - Intelligent Earth" and ensure to run !pip install hydrotools.nwm_client[gcp].**

The notebooks are part of a NWM learning module on HydroLearn.org. When the associated learning module is complete, the link to it will be added here. It is recommended that these notebooks be opened through the CUAHSI JupyterHub App on Hydroshare. This can be done via the 'Open With' button at the top of this resource page.

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App Connector App Connector
NOAA National Water Model Map Viewer
Created: Feb. 2, 2022, 7:59 p.m.


The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) National Water Center provides water information products from version 2.1 of the National Water Model (NWM). Information about NWM products available through the OWP website can be found in this Product Description Document. Advisory: NWM products do not yet incorporate anthropogenic influence and should be used with some caution. The NWM is currently undergoing extensive validation and verification to identify where scientific updates to the model can make the most improvement. The next version of the NWM will be released in the late spring 2020 time frame. For more information about the NWM, go here.

Please note, the mapping interface and NWM products and web services are experimental. In addition to products from the NWM (streamflow, soil saturation), two products from the National Snow Analysis (snow depth, snow water equivalent) are available, as well as several useful reference maps from various sources. The OWP is seeking to improve the availability and quality of its products and services based on user feedback. Comments regarding any of the experimental NWM products and web services should be submitted through the NWM online survey form.

The OWP also provides a range of NWS official water information through the following web sites.

Official river observations and forecast information: https://water.weather.gov/ahps
Snow Information: https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov
Precipitation Frequency Estimates: https://www.weather.gov/owp/hdsc
Comments? Questions? Please Contact nws.nwc.ops@noaa.gov.

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Resource Resource


This is an example JupyterHub Python Script on how to use the hs_restclient to obtain both public and private web app connectors from HydroShare. All a user has to do is fill in their HydroShare username and password in order to authenticate the user's permissions.

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Resource Resource
CIROH Tethys Portal Logos
Created: May 4, 2023, 5:16 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


This resource contains the apps logos used in the CIROH Tethys Portal (https://tinyurl.com/cirohportal).

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Resource Resource
Dan Logan River Flow From Snow Analysis
Created: May 17, 2023, 5:54 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This resource includes the streamflow record from the Logan River USGS stream gage site number 10109000. This is in file usgs10109000.txt. It also included shapefiles giving the watershed boundary and sites comprising the stream gage location and snotel locations. Maximum snow water equivalent observed at snotel locations is a predictor of maximum streamflow. The jupyter notebook file included develops linear regression relationships between maximum snow water equivalent and maximum daily streamflow.

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App Connector App Connector
HydroLearn Food Energy Water Nexus Learning Module
Created: May 25, 2023, 6:55 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This module revolves around the Food-Energy-Water Nexus (FEW). It is designed based on education research methods using learner-based pedagogy to provide training for undergraduate students about global and national perspectives regarding the FEW Nexus.

The module provides students opportunities to engage in a hands-on experience using Hydroviz, a data visualization tool that provides data about different variables of water availability and consumption, food production, and energy production in the country, to help students discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills in a decision-making task for planning about a new carbon-free energy matrix in a selected region in the United States. The link to Hydroviz is: https://hydroviz.org/Lessons/Index/National/Nexus.

In this sense, throughout the course, students will work on a project which consists of four parts. In Part 1 of the project, students explore water, energy, and agriculture in a region of their choice in the United States. In Part 2, they will explore the food-water nexus in their region. In Part 3, they will explore the energy-water nexus in their region. Then, they will use this information to decide in Part 4 about a plan to address a problem described in a scenario.

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Resource Resource
Major River Basins of China
Created: Oct. 12, 2023, 1:37 a.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


These are the major river basins of China as extracted from BasinATLAS which is part of HydroSHEDS.

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Resource Resource
National Water Model COMIDs for Texas Bridges
Created: Nov. 8, 2023, 11:31 p.m.
Authors: Carter, Andy · Ames, Dan


This is a JSON file listing 10697 COMIDs representing features of the US National Water Model that are crossed by a bridge in Texas. Current and past forecasts of the NWM for these features can be retrieved using the NWM API under development by BYU through funding from NOAA and CIROH. For more information reach out to the owners and authors of this resource.

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Resource Resource


This python notebook demonstrates a simple method for retrieving time series data from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) archive of the U.S. National Water Model retrospective streamflow forecasts for one or more reach id's (also known as COMIDs) for a specified date range. Note that this notebook uses the 42-year (February 1979 through December 2020) retrospective simulation using version 2.1 of the National Water Model. The AWS archive and description of the data can be found here: https://registry.opendata.aws/nwm-archive/. This notebook uses the xarray library to connect to the data store as an anonymous user. The connection results in a zarr store from which data can be extracted using the method shown in the script. This method is not optimized for parallel computing so it will be slow if you specify a lot of reach ids. The results are written to a local CSV file that can be opened in Excel or another spreadsheet. There are many optimizations that can be done to improve data access, but this notebook is intentionally simple for the novice user who is trying to work with National Water Model retrospective data stored in AWS.

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Resource Resource
Test Shapefiles for GeoServer
Created: Nov. 22, 2023, 8:48 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan · Najafi, Roja


This is a test of some vector (Shapefile) data. The files uploaded here are going to be used for testing of the GeoServer endpoints. This is a test.

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App Connector App Connector
Grace Groundwater Subsetting Tool
Created: Feb. 15, 2024, 5:51 p.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


This app produces basic maps and timeseries using data from the GRACE mission.

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App Connector App Connector
Groundwater Data Mapper
Created: Feb. 16, 2024, 11:44 p.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


This app displays groundwater data for selected aquifers. It provides information on well locations and metadata, which includes details such as well depth, the aquifer associated with each well, and the well's elevation. The app also features time series data for each well, displaying the measured water depths over a period of time. Additionally, it offers maps of interpolated groundwater levels, which can be viewed on a statewide basis or can be subset by specific aquifers.

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App Connector App Connector
HydroLang and HydroCompute Demonstration
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 12:19 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


This application demonstrates two projects developed by the University of Iowa Hydroinformatics Lab (UIHI Lab): HydroLang and HydroCompute. HydroLang is an open-source web framework designed for hydrology and water resources research. It offers JavaScript functions for various tasks, including retrieving and manipulating hydrologic data, performing statistical operations, generating graphical data representations, and mapping geospatial data. HydroCompute, on the other hand, is an open-source computational library geared towards hydrology and environmental sciences. It operates natively in web browsers and utilizes state-of-the-art computation standards to enable web applications to tap into the computational capabilities of the devices they run on. This includes leveraging multithreading with web workers, processing with GPUs, and running executables built in WebAssembly (WASM). This application serves as the solution for HydroCompute Case Study 3: Dashboard for Station Statistical Analysis tutorial. This tutorial was developed by the University of Iowa Hydroinformatics Lab for the 2023 CIROH Developer Conference.

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App Connector App Connector
Met Data Explorer
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 1:14 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


The MDE is a happy tethys application exploring meteorological data.

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App Connector App Connector
OWP NWM Map Viewer
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 1:26 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) National Water Center offers water-related data through the National Water Model (NWM) version 3.0, including streamflow and soil saturation, plus snow depth and snow water equivalent from the National Snow Analysis. These mapping interfaces, products, and web services are experimental and under continuous improvement. Feedback is encouraged to enhance quality and availability. The OWP also directs users to official National Weather Service water information sources for river observations, snow data, and precipitation frequency estimates.

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App Connector App Connector
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 1:33 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


This app looks at the Snow Water Equivalent and can be used to estimate water supply in areas dependent on snowmelt.

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App Connector App Connector
Water Data Explorer
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 2:08 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


The WHOS platform, adhering to WMO data policy, facilitates the international exchange of hydrological and related environmental data without storing it. It uses Discovery and Access Broker technology to make data from original providers interoperable and accessible. Users must adhere to Terms of Use, recognizing risks and restrictions against commercial use without consent. Data attribution is required for publications or services. The WMO is not liable for any damages from data use, and terms may change, impacting user access and use rights.

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App Connector App Connector
Created: Feb. 17, 2024, 2:18 a.m.
Authors: Marsh, Dallin · Ames, Dan


HydroShare is the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)'s web based hydrologic information system for users to share and publish data and models in a variety of flexible formats, and to make this information available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner. It enables users to collaborate and work as teams in a web based collaborative environment, thereby enhancing research, education and application of hydrologic knowledge. Hydroshare includes tools (web apps) that can act on content in HydroShare providing users with a gateway to computing and analysis. HydroShare is being developed by a CUAHSI team supported by National Science Foundation awards ACI-1148453, ACI-1148090, EAR-1338606, OAC-1664018, OAC-1664061, OAC-1664119.

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Resource Resource
Example Resource with Shapefile
Created: March 5, 2024, 8:41 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This is an example resource with shapefiles for groundwater basins in Jordan.

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Resource Resource
This is a test resource for web mapping services
Created: March 12, 2024, 7:25 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This is a test resource for demonstrating web mapping services in HydroShare

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App Connector App Connector
Demonstration WMS Viewer App Connector
Created: March 19, 2024, 7:31 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This is a web app connector that demonstrates connecting to a simple web page that displays WMS layers in a Leaflet widget.

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Resource Resource


The processes involved in bed-load sediment transport are complex and challenging to quantify. Field measurements provide insight and a chance to improve predictive methods. A comprehensive database contains more than 15,000 observations from nearly 500 bed-load sediment transport data sets. The database includes sample descriptions, discharge and transport data, channel and bankfull characteristics, surface and subsurface grain size distributions, and, where possible, stream classification descriptors. The database is freely available to the public. This database aims to provide useful data to researchers studying bed-load transport processes.

This dataset is an updated and improved version of the original. The original version, cited in the paper https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001221, was hosted at a byu.edu server that is no longer accessible. This version includes updates and improvements to the original, provided by Sagy Cohen. Also included in this resource is an XML file of the site locations and a subset of the data for only major rivers.

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Collection Collection
Curated List of Datasets for the CIROH Portal
Created: Sept. 23, 2024, 5:47 p.m.
Authors: Ames, Dan


This is a curated and managed collection of resources of particular interest or importance to CIROH, NOAA, and/or the U.S. National Weather Service. The resources listed in this collection are scanned and made available for rapid discovery through the CIROH Science Portal at https://portal.ciroh.org/.

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